0 資産運用こそ『混沌に目鼻を付ける』試みなのか?/Asset Management could lead to the anecdote “Put the face on Chaos” by Zhuang Zi from Chinese classical literature work 8月 28, 2020
0 敗者日本の占領はすでに始まっている?『77年』は日本民族独自の興亡サイクルか Is “Loser Japan” already being occupied ? “77 years” is original cycle of rise and fall for Japanese people 8月 15, 2022
1 《速報》底が抜けた株式市場:グローバルな流動性拡大にバックギア/《Breaking News》Stock markets’ bottom came out:Global liquidity expansion gets into back-geared 3月 10, 2020