0 自分の身内が『オレオレ詐欺』の被害者に!神奈川県警の対応に驚愕/My family member became victim of “Ore-Ore Telephone fraud”! I was also shocked by Kanagawa PD’s response 5月 28, 2021
0 ニュージーランドを初訪問、南北両島を車で無理やり巡る弾丸ツアー④『初めてのニュージーランドで気づいたこと』/The first visit to New Zealand, Bullet tour to drive both of North and South Islands③“What I noticed at my first New Zealand” 12月 6, 2023
0 「囚人のジレンマ」、あるいは「チキンレース」?新型コロナと資本市場/“Prisoners’ dilemma” or “Chicken run” ? Covid-19 and Capital markets 7月 21, 2020