越後湯沢拠点旅 合気道湯沢合宿2017/Aikido Work shop in Echigo Yuzawa 2017
Preliminary arrangement before the work shop―Taking natural spring water
Our Aikido group opens “Special work shop in Echigo Yuzawa” every autumn. This year it falls on first 2 days of 3 consecutive holidays in the beginning of November. I, the arranger of the work shop, always stay previous night and make preliminary arrangement in early morning of the first day. This year 2 ladies from our branch in Davao, Philippines came with me.
(English text continues to the latter half of the page)
ここで事件が起きました!今更話すのも恥ずかしいことですが、合気道の稽古本番前に軽く居合の稽古もするのですが、この時に真剣を使って指導していて「抜きつけ(刀の抜き放ち)」の際に左手親指と人差し指の間をスカッと斬ってしまいました・・・。ほんの1㎝足らずの切り傷ですが、真剣の刀傷の特徴でかなり深いところまで斬ってしまい、断面を覗き込むと奥に白い肉が見える。思わず“Oh, nice to meat you!”なんてオヤジギャグを思い浮かべる余裕もあったのですが、次の瞬間には血が泉のようにあふれ出てきて、バンデージできつく止血せざるを得ませんでした。簡単には治りそうもないので、自分の今回の稽古はここまで!真剣で稽古を初めて長いのですが、自分で切ったのは初めて。指導のために抜きつけの動作を何回も大きな動きで見せている時に斬ってしまいました。普段の稽古では絶対に起こりえないようなことだけに、よりによって合宿の初日に起こってしまったことが残念。真剣を使っている人間はどこかで怪我をした経験がありますが、今回のことをよき教訓として二度とやらかさないようにしないと。
どうも左手が覚束なくて写真がぶれてしまいますが、これが本日のメイン「八海山 大吟醸」。そう滅多には見つからない酒です!今朝汲んできたばかりの、このお酒を仕込んだ水と同じ水脈の湧き水を飲みながら、酒を楽しみます。この美味しい水が匠の技を経て、この酒が醸されるのかと感じながら飲むと、これはけっこう感動しますよ!ホールでの食事が終わっても、先輩の部屋に移って宴席が夜中まで続きました。
Preliminary arrangement before the work shop―Taking natural spring water
Our Aikido group opens “Special work shop in Echigo Yuzawa” every autumn. This year it falls on first 2 days of 3 consecutive holidays in the beginning of November. I, the arranger of the work shop, always stay previous night and make preliminary arrangement in early morning of the first day. This year 2 ladies from our branch in Davao, Philippines came with me.
What do we do for preliminary arrangements? Main task is to take the natural spring water on the foot of Mt. Hakkaisan. This spring is the same water vein which is used to brew the prestigious Sake “Hakkaisan”. I always take this water from the secret natural spring every year and we enjoy Hakkaisan Sake with this water to realize blessing nature in Minami Uonuma, Niigata.
“Beware of Bears!” This sign board is never mere bluff. 7-8 years ago villagers were attacked by bear in the afternoon on the same day we took water in the morning. My car is heavy duty AWD and I can advance quite close to the natural spring. I took the movie of walking path to the spring below.
There is a concept of “Snow Country Region”. That is the concept to invite more inbound tourists from abroad (http://snowcountryjapan.blogspot.jp/). However this word has handicap to limit tourism season only to winter. I have visited this area more than 20 years in any seasons and I felt that the true natural blessing in this area is “Water”. From Northern Gunma to Uonuma area, Niigata, and North eastern Nagano, heavy snow in winter is absorbed into the virgin forest of beech and filtered beautiful fresh water flow out to the area which grows delicious rice and brew branded Sake and sometimes it comes out as hot Spring. Isn’t it possible to appeal those natural blessings as “Association Sphere by Water”? It is just common for Japanese people to see water gush in mountains and they don’t consider it is something special. But it is not usual thing to drink clean water anywhere in many areas in the world. Especially Chinese rich people once tried to buy up fountainhead grounds in Japan. It is paying for to realize the natural value of clean water fountains.
Acccident happened right after Training started!
Sorry I may change back the topic now. I took fresh water, prepared nice Sake for the evening, and all participants gathered at Echigo Yuzawa Station at noon. We left for Yuzawa Culture Center where we do training.
This is Yuzawa Culture Center which is 5 minutes by car. We hire this Dojo Training hall) for 3 hours at first day afternoon and 3 hours at 2nd day morning. It sounds a bit loose schedule for young active players but this is something like excursion program for adults.
Against the Culture Center is beautiful park to walk around. Cherry blossoms are awfully beautiful in spring season. We enjoyed walking for a while.
This is the little mountain behind the center. Although it was the high time of Autumn colors, leaves colors are not very vivid this year. Shame!
This is the Dojo of 78 Tatamis.
First of all this is warming up. The photo looks a bit lonely as all people have not shown up.
After this, the accident occurred. I really feel shy to talk about this. Our first program was my Iaido (art of sword) lesson. And I cut my own left hand when I performed “Nukitsuke (Sword releasing)” The injury was as small as 1cm but my sword head cut deep under the skin. I could see white meat when I looked into the injury in the beginning. Just a corny joke like “Oh, nice to meat you!” hit me upon first but next moment blood flew out like fountain. My Keiko (training) has finished here! I have used the real sword for long time but this was my first experience. It happened during I show the same action many times to show the Technik. It was quite shame that something which usually doesn’t happen has happened at the place of the work shop.
I exchanged bandage 3 times before going bed. This was 2nd bandage.
Now this is the main event! We tasted Blessings of Yuzawa together
I couldn’t leave many pictures in the slapstick of injury. Anyway the main event, Dinner with Sake has started.
The photo is blurred as I couldn’t be sure of left hand. This bottle is tonight’s main guest “Hakkaisan Dai-Ginjoh”, very rare one! We enjoy Sake with water which I took this morning. You can realize how this water is brewed after the master craftmanship. I’m pretty sure that you would be strongly impressed.
It was full moon. You need special skill to show this beautiful moon. Very shame!
2nd Keiko to closing party
Keiko was resumed from 9:00 next morning. We tried another style of Keiko and the master (6 dan) from another group has led the Keiko of the day. Although it was quite fulfilling, I couldn’t leave many photos with pains on left hand this time again.
All Keikos are over. The closing lunch party took place in “Moritaki” as each year which is so familiar as Udonsuki restaurant in the town. Very volume rich, reasonable price, and very tasty, too.
I have to say this time I had been so junk after the injury of the first day. I can’t help feeling so shy only to report the trip.