カテゴリー: 随想/Essays
日本の“老害”を考える:日本の凋落を招いた本質?/ Considering Japan’s ‘Cranky old geezer’: The Essence Behind Japan’s Decline?
Unexpected intrusion by an elderly...
敗者日本の占領はすでに始まっている?『77年』は日本民族独自の興亡サイクルか Is “Loser Japan” already being occupied ? “77 years” is original cycle of rise and fall for Japanese people
イエス・キリストは青森で死んだ?一人の男の誇大妄想が生んだ秘境の聖地と、日本人の宗教観/Jesus Christ died at Aomori, northern Japan? A delusion of a Megalomania made Sacred place in untrodden land
自分の身内が『オレオレ詐欺』の被害者に!神奈川県警の対応に驚愕/My family member became victim of “Ore-Ore Telephone fraud”! I was also shocked by Kanagawa PD’s response
*Ore-Ore Telephone fraud -Fraud cl...
資産運用こそ『混沌に目鼻を付ける』試みなのか?/Asset Management could lead to the anecdote “Put the face on Chaos” by Zhuang Zi from Chinese classical literature work
《速報》新型コロナ禍が観光地に与える影響と『令和恐慌』の幻想/《Breaking News》Tourism under New Corona virus and an illusion of “Financial Panic of Reiwa”
まずは朝一番でトイレットペーパーの状況をスーパーで確認 新型コロナの...