0 コロラド州2,000㎞走破の弾丸トリップ!⓹《コロラド・スプリングス周囲で最後の観光へ》/Bullet trip of 2,000km drive in Colorado!⓹《Toward last tourism programs around Colorado Springs》 10月 25, 2019
0 基軸通貨の交代?米金利上昇が示すもうひとつの未来/The shift of the Reserve currency? Another future brought by US interest rates hike 5月 17, 2018
0 <速報版>遂に来た急落局面―絶好の押し目買いor方向の変化?/<Flash report>Finally the bear market has come-A great chance or is it already gone? 2月 5, 2018