実況中継も遂に決着!<また来たぞ、ナイジェリアの手紙!>今度はDr. Belindaだ/The last report!<Nigerian Letter has arrived again!> Dr. Belinda, this time
Linked in経由で再び『ナイジェリアの手紙』が!
<I’m corresponding with “Nigerian Letter” fraud group and reporting them almost real time basis. Please read through until the end>
“Nigerian Letter” has arrived again through Linked in!
In my Blog, articles on “Nigerian Letter” have suddenly come under spotlight. It is not my true intention to gather attention only for those articles. But it might indicate that so many Japanese people are receiving these fraud mails with same kind of texts.
(The English text continues to the latter half of the page)
さて前回の詐欺メールから約半年がたったところですが、なんと再び自分の元に「ナイジェリアの手紙」と思われる詐欺メールが届きました!自分が登録しているLinked inというSNSを通してやってきたことも共通です。まずはLinked inで当人からメッセージが送られてきて、「あなたのプロフィールをみてぜひご相談したいことがある。Gmailアドレスの方に連絡が欲しい。」と言ってくる。もちろんLinked inを通してもチャットはできるので、こちらが「Linked inでお話しできないのか?」とこちらが聞くと、「そうなんだ。何としても自分のプライベートアドレスに連絡してほしい。」と言ってきます。こちらはこの時点ですでに詐欺の類だな、と気づくのですが、今回は面白いネタだと思ったのでそのままコンタクトを続けました。そして翌日に送られてきたのが以下のメールです。そっくりそのままコピーしたものを貼り付けておきます。
《Hello Dear,
Thanks for bringing your time to write back to me, how was your day together with your present condition of health? Please I’m so sorry i got back to you late, i was actually attending to casualties. Notwithstanding, I’m looking for a serious relationship and a business partner that is trustworthy, one who is serious, honest and reliable. Thereafter my aims are achieved i believe we could go far in life only if you accept to be my business partner in your country or if you assist me in this deal.
I actually want to inform you that i am tired of this Doctor without Borders work am doing, i am looking for a way to leave this Doctors without Borders and relocate for the sake of my life. i want you to know that we are being attacked by insurgent everyday here in Libya with Sophisticated Weapons, Fire Arms and Missiles on daily bases and stuff like that so during one of our rescue Mission we came across a safe box that contain huge amount of money that belongs to the supporters of the over thrown government of Libya and terrorist group, which we believe it was money meant for buying highly prohibited weapons and ammunition and there is no way we can hand this money back because the system of government here is corrupted, and all the Doctors on that rescue mission came to agreement that the money be shared among us which we did.
Out of the total money my share is $1.200,000 US Dollars(one Million Two Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) Now I’m seeking your assistance to evacuate my share of the money out of (Senegal UBA Bank) to your own country. I want you to assure me that you will safe keep the money till i come over to your country to meet with you and start investing the money in a good business there in your country.
It’s clear to me that you might be scared of this proposal, but i want to let you know that i have made solid arrangements with a lawyer in Senegal to assist me in transferring the money to any country or destination of my choice. Right now the money has been transferred into UBA BANK De Senegal from Libya for security purpose.The bank told me that they have already processed the money into ATM VISA CARD so that there will be no Risk on the process of evacuation.
I have decided to compensate you with 40% out of the total money immediately after the ATM VISA CARD gets you, while the rest of the balance will be my investment capital in your country. Please i don’t want you to discuss this matter to a third party, if you don’t want to be party to this business please delete,
I want you to keep this information as top secret from any person in order not to jeopardize my position here. I chose to contact you after my prayers and i believe that you will not betray my trust nor thwart my dream, i know you might be wondering why i am revealing myself to you without formal introduction, well, i will say that my mind convinced me that you are the true person to help me in receiving this Fund.
Note; I do not know how long we are going to remain here since i have survived two bomb attack which prompted me to search out for a reliable and trust worthy person to help me receive and invest the Fund, because I will be coming over to your country to invest and start a new life.
I hope my explanation is very clear but if you need more clarification just let me know and i will explain further. I want to let you know that here in the Doctors without Borders Base we are not allowed to make use of mobile phone, we only make use of radio message and email communication so please let us continue communicating through email for the mean time.
I wish you could send me a reply immediately in regards to this proposal, your reply will be highly appreciated. Attached below is my pictures,I wait to receive your acceptable reply as soon as you read this letter.Thanks,
Love from Dr.Belinda Kendrick.》
今回の送り主は『アメリカ人のDr. Belinda Kendrick』と名乗っています。メールの内容をざっくりと訳すと、
《私はアメリカ人医師のDr. Belinda Kendrick、「国境なき医師団」に属して現在はリビアで働いているが、毎日のように高度に武装した暴徒に襲われて明日をも知れない状況に晒されている。我々医師団への救出ミッションが進行する中で我々は巨額の資金が眠る金庫を発見した。この資金はすでに転覆した政府やテログループの支援者たちのものだが、すでに国体は破綻しており、我々医師団の間で分配することになった。私の取り分は120万ドル(約1億3,000万円)で、この資金をあなたの国に持ち込みビジネスへの投資資金としたい。当地の弁護士と入念に準備をして、資金はUBA Bank De Senegalに移管され、後はATM VISA Cardで引き出すばかりになっているので、あなたには最後に現金を引き出す役目をしてほしい(ここは正直言って意味不明)。報酬として40%を差し上げて、残りは私が日本で暮らす資金とします。現在の私は携帯を持つことを禁じられているためメールでしか連絡ができないが、必ずや危険な日常から日本に脱出してあなたと顔を合わせたい。あなたが私の信じる通りの人間であることを祈っています。》
しかしそれにしてもLinked Inは完全に詐欺師グループの草刈り場と化していますね。すでに通報はしてあるのですが、同じようにLinked Inに登録しておられる方はくれぐれもご注意を!
「件名:My dear my spirit choose you that why I put my trust and confidence on you try to complete this transfer you will not regret of helping me in this transaction」
《My dear how was your day, I am so happy for your understanding I appreciate your effort, my attention and reason why i contact you I want us to be Business partner,I want you to help me to receive the ATM VISA CARD Fund $1.200,000,00 US Dollars from UBA Bank when you receive it in your country I will send you the ATM CARD secret PIN CODE NUMBER to start withdrawing the money out everyday limit is $20.000 USD after withdrawing the money you will deposit the total money $1.200,000,00 US Dollars in your bank account and inform me I will take leave from my Job and come to your country when I arrive to country i will give you 40% of the Total money be for I will start invest the money for a good Business you will direct me to.
I will first come to your country for Investment project, we now planing how to Invest the money in nice Business be for I will go back to Libya to finish my Job and stop the Job to come back to your country to live and Bass there with you, i have not marry yet and i don”t have kids.
My dear my spirit choose you that why I put my trust and confidence on you, I want you to receive the ATM VISA CARD by next week and start withdrawing the money Immediately,
Send your below information to me urgently;
Your full names:……….. Your age:……….. Your address:…………..Post code:……………..City:………………….Country:……………….
Telephone number:………Profession:…………….
have nice day.
I await your immediate response
Yours Dr.Belinda Kendrick.》
《(大意和訳)愛しい方へ、私のスキームを理解する努力をしてくださって感謝します。120万米ドルはすでにUBA Bank De SenegalのATM VISA Cardファンドに入金されています(家田注;VISAカードを使ってATMで引き落とせるの意味らしい)。あなたに秘密のパスワードを教えますので日本のATMで現金をすべて引き出してほしいのです。ATMの引出額の限度は1日2万ドル(家田注;この時点ですでに間違っています)までになっていますので、120万ドルすべてを引き出し終わったらあなたの銀行口座で管理しておいてください。連絡をいただき次第私が日本に参りますので、その時に現金の40%を差し上げて、残りを日本のビジネスに投資したいと考えています。私はまだ独身で子供もいません(家田注;だから何だよ!)。来週にはVISAカードを送りますので、そのためにあなたの以下の個人データをすぐに送ってください(家田注;出ました!時間を限って考える暇を与えない詐欺の常套手段!)。
しかし「Love, flower・・・」と思わせぶりな副題をつけた花の写真は明らかにネットのどこかで拾ってきた安っぽいグラフィック。ちょっと手を抜き過ぎじゃないかなあ。興味深いのはUBA Bank De Senegalが発行したという「預金証明書」。まずは住所が間違ってます。HPがあるんだからこのくらいは確認しないと・・・。またロゴのすぐ下にある“You’re Banking Partners”というスローガンは“Your Banking Partner”の間違いじゃないかなあ。またType of Account(預金形態)にある「DOMMICILARY」という単語は「DOMICILIARY」が正しい。銀行だったら絶対に間違えない単語です。さらに右下にあるバーコードをバーコードリーダーで読もうとしましたが読み取り不能でした。ほかにも通貨単位の記述とか突っ込みどころ満載なんですが、もうここまでで十分でしょう。それっぽい証明書を見せて騙されるのは素人だけ。Linked inで自分のプロフィールは確認しているんだろうから、小道具にはもう少し気を使うことをお勧めしたい。
昨夜も来ました、自称Dr. Belindaからの返信です。今回は「自分が日本に来られるのに、なぜこちらに現金の引き出しを頼んで多額の報酬を払うのか?」という疑問に答えたもののはずですが・・・。下にメールの原文と和訳を載せておきます。
《My dearest one how was your day,I will come Japan and Korea but not now is after my Job in Libya 2010,I want this Fund to move out of Africa for security reason ,that why i need your urgent help and when i will come to your country you will send me some money for my Air Ticket and PTA that why you need to receive my ATM VISA CARD Fund from UBA bank and start withdrawing the Fund out be for my Arrive for our Investment project OK, try to send your full information so that i will send it to the bank to register the ATM VISA CARD in your name and information and I will give you the lawyer contact i want to remind you once again that every arrangement towards this project is intact between both of us, Send your below information to me urgently;
Your full names:………..Your age:………..Your address:…………..Post code:……………..City:………………….Country:……………….
Telephone number:………Profession:…………….》
《(大意和訳)愛しい方へ、私は2010年(家田注;2020の間違い?)にリビアでの仕事を終えてから日本と韓国に向かうつもりです。私はこの資金を安全上の問題でアフリカから一刻も早く移管したいので、あなたの協力が必要なのです。そして私が日本に向かう際には航空券とPTA(家田注;何のことだ?)のために少しお金を送ってもらいたいのです。そのためにも緊急にあなたの個人データを教えてください(家田注;詐欺師はいつも緊急を繰り返します)。私はそれを銀行に伝えてATM VISA Cardをあなたの名前で登録してあなたに送りますので、早急に現金の引き出しに着手してほしいのです。私の弁護士にも連絡させます(家田注;弁護士役も待機しているのか、やはりグループ体制をとっているのか、あるいはすべてメールを通しての一人芝居なのか)。以下に示したようにあなたの個人データをすぐに送ってください。》
さて、まだ終わりません。先ほど自称Dr. Belindaに以下のような返信を打ちました。
「親愛なるDr. Belinda, 私の優柔不断な行動で貴女をイラつかせているのではないかと危惧しています。しかしLinked inで貴女がチェックしたように私は金融の世界で長年働いてきて、すべてを理解することなく先に進めない性格なのです。貴女のリビアにおける決死の覚悟と働きを心から敬愛しております。どうか貴女が私に再び返信をくれるほどに忍耐強い方であることを願っております。
《My dearest one how was your day,thanks for write back to my mail,I appreciate all your effort and to accept me as your Business partner,I promise you will not be disappointed by me or regret of assist me,in respect of your last question?
1. Main office address of United Bank of Africa de Senegal is “Boulevard du President Habib Bourguiba, Dakar”. Why the address on the certificate is defferent?……………… my dear UBA bank in Senegal is up to 10 Branch Office,so you don”t need to worry about the address OK.
2. The slogan “You’re Banking Partners”. Isn’t it “Your Banking Partner”?….. No
3. “$1,200,000 US Dollars” Should the description be “USD1,200,000-“?……………. my dear Senegal is French speaking country and their writ up is difference OK
4. The type of account is “DOMMICILARY”. But isn’t it the mistake from “DOMICILIARY”? I guess bankers never make mistakes like this. But does it indicate the cultural level in Africa? my dear Senegal is French speaking country and their writ up is difference OK ,some of the words is using French way to write it OK,what we need is love and trust try to trust me the way I trust you by choosing me to be my Business partner OK.Send your below information to me urgently;
Your full names:………..Your age:………..Your address:…………..Post code:……………..City:………………….Country:……………….
Telephone number:………Profession:…………….》
1.「預金証明書に書かれた銀行の住所が違うのではないか」←セネガルには10以上の支店があるので住所が違っていてもOK(家田注;ちなみに預金証明書に書かれた住所にはUnited Bank for Africaではなくフランスのソシエテ・ジェネラル銀行があります。おそらく過去に詐欺の小道具で使ったものを使いまわしてるんじゃないか)
《Dr.Belinda, 私のぶしつけな質問にていねいにお答えいただきありがとうございます。貴女の実在を確認するために最後のお願いをしたいと考えています。貴女の美しい姿はすでにいくつかの写真で拝見しておりますが、あらためて私の言う通りのポーズで写真を撮って送っていただけないでしょうか。医師としての白衣で、生魚を両手に持って写真を撮ってください。その写真を見れば貴女が実在の人間であることが確認できます。》
「はっきりと警告しておきますが、私は国境なき医師団の中で昼夜を分かたずリビア軍と連携して働いています。余計なことをしている時間はないのです。そんなことよりも早くあなたの個人データを送ってください。その情報をもとにATM VISA Cardをあなたの名前で発行しますので(家田注;しかし生年月日を聞かずに発行できるクレジットカードってあるんだろうか?)」
そう、ここで終らせてしまうのも惜しいので、新しい展開を見るために敢えてこちらの個人データを送ってみることにしました。もちろん内容はでたらめです。もしもこのデータでATM VISA Cardとやらが発行できましたと言ってきたら面白いことこの上ない!
「あなたのフィードバックに感謝します。あなたの個人データをセネガルの弁護士であるCarlos MoKutaに伝えました。これであなたにATM VISA Cardを発行できます。あなたにカードをDHCで送り、さらにあなたに秘密のパスワードを教えますのでこれを使って日本のあなたの銀行から現金を引き出してあなたの銀行口座で預かっておいてください。2010年にリビアの仕事を終え次第日本に行ってあなたに会います。」
そして弁護士Carlos MoKutaと名乗る人物からデータの確認を求めるメールも届きました。遂に弁護士役も登場です!さてどうやって自分から金をだまし取ろうとするんだろう。どうも送られてくる予定のカードと、現金引き出しのための手順というものが怪しそう。そのカードを使ってATMで手順通りに操作すると自分の口座の資産が彼らの口座に移るという仕掛けなのか。しかしこれまで送ってきた穴だらけの小道具を考えると、そこまで高度なテクニックが使えるのかな、とも感じます。もう少しだけ付き合ってみましょう。
Linked Inは完全に詐欺師たちの草刈り場に!
上に掲げたのはLinked Inに登録している「Dr. Belinda Kendrick」のページ。同じ写真で世界中に42人もDr. Belinda Kendrickが存在します。おそらく微妙にストーリーを変えながら世界中に(そのほとんどは日本人向け?)詐欺を仕掛けているんでしょう。しかしこの状態を放っておくのはLinked Inとしてもあまりにお粗末なセキュリティコントロールではないでしょうか。
ちなみにこちらはBelinda Kendrickの名前で開設されたFacebook。3/21に開設されたばかりで、恐らく自分への詐欺を始めた後にアリバイのために開設したんでしょう。しかしリビアで昼夜を問わず働いてまったく時間がないと主張する彼女ですが、こんなのんびりしたムードのFacebookを作る時間はあったんですね。
弁護士と称する相手に個人データ(もちろん出鱈目)を提供したら以下のようなメールがDr. Belinda Kendrickから帰ってきました。
《愛しい方へ、UBA Bank De Senegalが無事に120万ドルのATM VISA Cardを発行できたことをお知らせします(家田注;おい、おい、生年月日を聞かずに発行できるカードがあるのか?)弁護士に手数料をDHLで280ドル送金してあげて(家田注;遂に出ました!このスキームで初めての金銭要求!)、彼からカードをあなたの国へ郵送してもらってください。申し訳ないのですが私自身は現在自分の資産にアクセスできない状況にあるので、手数料は立て替えて払っておいてください。「国境なき医師団」ではどの国に派遣されても自分の国に帰るまで現金に手を付けられないのが規則なのです(家田注;本当かよ!?)。あなたの迅速な行動を期待しています。あなたのDr. Belinda Kendrickより。》
《親愛なるDr. Belinda Kendrick、我々のプロジェクトが前に進みだしたことは嬉しいことです。ただここから先の行動を進めるためには以前にお出しした条件を呑んでいただかなければなりません。ぜひ医師の白衣を着て大きな生魚、もしくは2つの卵を両手に持った写真を私に送ってください。忙しくて馬鹿なことをしている暇はないと仰いますが、少なくとも3/21付でこんなにのんびりしたムードのFacebookを開設する余裕はあるわけでしょう。リクエスト通りのポーズをとった写真を送っていただき、貴女の実在を最終確認しないことには貴女のプロジェクトに協力するわけにはいきません。》
彼らからは様々な写真が送られてきており、その多くが自称Dr. Belinda Kendrickのセクシーなお姉さんぶりなんですが、Google画像検索にかけてみたらそのうち1枚の出所がわかりました。
この方はアメリカ、ユタ州出身のJill Stevens(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jill_Stevens)さんのようです。左側が詐欺グループが送ってきたもの、右側がネットから拾ったものです。見事に一致しますね。むしろこんなに解像度の高い写真をよく入手できたな、と思います。この方はミス ユタ州を始め様々なミスコンテストの常連、さらにユタ州の陸軍州兵として救命救急活動をしておりこうした衣装の写真があることも頷けます。こんな詐欺グループの小道具に使われて気の毒な限りです。
【4/20続報】「真実の瞬間(The Moment of Truth)」を迎える
さて前回のレポートで予告した通りのメールを先方に送りました。Dr. Belinda Kendrickに対して「実在の確認のために大きな生魚を両手に持って写真を撮って送ってください」というものです。どんな返事が返ってくるのか、一生懸命フォトショップか何かで加工した写真を送ってくるのか、マスクをして顔を隠した女に魚を持たせてお茶を濁すのか、とても楽しみに待っていたのですが、結論から言うとメール送信から10日が経ちましたが返答は返ってきませんでした!まあ普通に考えると、さすがにここまで来ると騙されていることに気付きますね。普段は自分が騙す立場なんだから。もう少し付き合ってほしかったんですが、まあよく持った方でしょう。
「The Moment of Truth」という言葉があります。IT用語ではなく、もともとはフレデリック・フォーサイスの小説に出てきた「スパイが協力者のために正体を明かす瞬間」のことです。一昨日になって次のようなメールを打ちました。
《親愛なる(自称)Dr. Belinda Kendrick、私からメールを送ってそろそろ10日になりますがあなたからの回答がいただけませんね。もう私を騙すことを諦めてしまったのでしょうか。あなたの本名はわかりませんが、ひょっとしてラゴス(ナイジェリアの首都)に暮らす若い失業者の方でしょうか。
“Nigerian Letter” has arrived again through Linked in!
In my Blog, articles on “Nigerian Letter” have suddenly come under spotlight. It is not my true intention to gather attention only for those articles. But it might indicate that so many Japanese people are receiving these fraud mails with same kind of texts.
Now it is almost 6 months after I received the first Nigerian mail. I received it again this week through Linked in as well as last time. The first contact was made through Linked in message, “I confirmed your interesting profile. I really love to talk with you, give me a mail to my gmail address”. I replied, “We can talk on Linked in function. Nevertheless you want a mail to gmail address?”. And she (probably “he”) said “Yes, I absolutely need a mail to my gmail address.” Although I noticed this is a kind of fraud at this moment, I found it very curious and sent gmail to the sender. The reply mail was like followings (Copy & Paste);
《Hello Dear,
Thanks for bringing your time to write back to me, how was your day together with your present condition of health? Please I’m so sorry i got back to you late, i was actually attending to casualties. Notwithstanding, I’m looking for a serious relationship and a business partner that is trustworthy, one who is serious, honest and reliable. Thereafter my aims are achieved i believe we could go far in life only if you accept to be my business partner in your country or if you assist me in this deal.
I actually want to inform you that i am tired of this Doctor without Borders work am doing, i am looking for a way to leave this Doctors without Borders and relocate for the sake of my life. i want you to know that we are being attacked by insurgent everyday here in Libya with Sophisticated Weapons, Fire Arms and Missiles on daily bases and stuff like that so during one of our rescue Mission we came across a safe box that contain huge amount of money that belongs to the supporters of the over thrown government of Libya and terrorist group, which we believe it was money meant for buying highly prohibited weapons and ammunition and there is no way we can hand this money back because the system of government here is corrupted, and all the Doctors on that rescue mission came to agreement that the money be shared among us which we did.
Out of the total money my share is $1.200,000 US Dollars(one Million Two Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) Now I’m seeking your assistance to evacuate my share of the money out of (Senegal UBA Bank) to your own country. I want you to assure me that you will safe keep the money till i come over to your country to meet with you and start investing the money in a good business there in your country.
It’s clear to me that you might be scared of this proposal, but i want to let you know that i have made solid arrangements with a lawyer in Senegal to assist me in transferring the money to any country or destination of my choice. Right now the money has been transferred into UBA BANK De Senegal from Libya for security purpose.The bank told me that they have already processed the money into ATM VISA CARD so that there will be no Risk on the process of evacuation.
I have decided to compensate you with 40% out of the total money immediately after the ATM VISA CARD gets you, while the rest of the balance will be my investment capital in your country. Please i don’t want you to discuss this matter to a third party, if you don’t want to be party to this business please delete,
I want you to keep this information as top secret from any person in order not to jeopardize my position here. I chose to contact you after my prayers and i believe that you will not betray my trust nor thwart my dream, i know you might be wondering why i am revealing myself to you without formal introduction, well, i will say that my mind convinced me that you are the true person to help me in receiving this Fund.
Note; I do not know how long we are going to remain here since i have survived two bomb attack which prompted me to search out for a reliable and trust worthy person to help me receive and invest the Fund, because I will be coming over to your country to invest and start a new life.
I hope my explanation is very clear but if you need more clarification just let me know and i will explain further. I want to let you know that here in the Doctors without Borders Base we are not allowed to make use of mobile phone, we only make use of radio message and email communication so please let us continue communicating through email for the mean time.
I wish you could send me a reply immediately in regards to this proposal, your reply will be highly appreciated. Attached below is my pictures,I wait to receive your acceptable reply as soon as you read this letter.Thanks,
Love from Dr.Belinda Kendrick.》
This is very very typical pattern of Nigerian Letter. Moreover she sent pictures like below. She might have tried to add the essence of “International Romance Fraud” which is making headline in Japanese TV news.
I guess these are pictures “self-styled Dr. Belinda” picked up somewhere in internet. The second picture shows the source “wiseGEEK” on the lower right. I feel really unpleasant if I was taken as stupid Japanese middle aged guy who is cheated by such pictures! Please tell me picture sources, if anybody of you are keen on Image search.
Anyway, now so many Nigerian con men are acting behind scenes at Linked in. I already reported it to Linked in. Please be aware, if you are using Linked in.
【Follow up on 27. March】
I found a reply from Dr. Belinda this morning, right next day after uploading the article. Email subject is so long and full of fraud smell. Following is the one.
“My dear my spirit choose you that why I put my trust and confidence on you try to complete this transfer you will not regret of helping me in this transaction”
How many Japanese middle aged guys are filled with rupture with such a word? And main contents of the mail is following;
《My dear how was your day, I am so happy for your understanding I appreciate your effort, my attention and reason why i contact you I want us to be Business partner,I want you to help me to receive the ATM VISA CARD Fund $1.200,000,00 US Dollars from UBA Bank when you receive it in your country I will send you the ATM CARD secret PIN CODE NUMBER to start withdrawing the money out everyday limit is $20.000 USD (Ieda note: this is wrong) after withdrawing the money you will deposit the total money $1.200,000,00 US Dollars in your bank account and inform me I will take leave from my Job and come to your country when I arrive to country i will give you 40% of the Total money be for I will start invest the money for a good Business you will direct me to.
I will first come to your country for Investment project, we now planing how to Invest the money in nice Business be for I will go back to Libya to finish my Job and stop the Job to come back to your country to live and Bass there with you, i have not marry yet and i don”t have kids (Ieda note; So what?).
My dear my spirit choose you that why I put my trust and confidence on you, I want you to receive the ATM VISA CARD by next week and start withdrawing the money Immediately (Ieda note; Yes, this is typical pattern of fraud not giving enough time to think!),
Send your below information to me urgently;
Your full
Post code:……………..
Telephone number:………
have nice day.
I await your immediate response
Yours Dr.Belinda Kendrick.》
This time she attached pictures of flowers and the deposit certificate like below.
This flower picture is titled “Love, flower”, but this is actually very peanut graphic picked up somewhere in Internet. Isn’t it too much corner-cutting? Curious is the deposit certificate of Union Bank of Africa. First the address is wrong. She should have checked carefully from the web site. And the slogan of “You’re Banking Partners” might be “Your Banking Partner”. And though “Type of Account” is described as “DOMMICILARY”, it must be the mistake from “DOMICILIARY”. Bankers never make mistake like this. I also tried to read the barcode right down the corner but it was not available. Except those there are still so many blemish points like currency description, but it’s enough. She must have checked my profile in Linked in, then she should have known I’m not the one to be cheated by such a fake certificate. I like to recommend her to take more care on stuffs for fraud.
I already replied her, “Hi Dr. Belinda, Thank you so much for advising me. However I have still some points which I cannot understand. You say you would come to Japan after I withdraw whole money from ATM. If you can come to Japan, why don’t you do that by yourself in Japan?” Which excuse would come back or she (or he) would notice I know all? Anyway I will report the outcome on this Blog. This article goes on real time.
【Follow up on 28. March】
I got a reply last night from “self-styled Dr. Belinda”. This time she answered my question why she doesn’t withdraw money by herself despite she can come to Japan. Following is the mail from her.
《My dearest one how was your day,I will come Japan and Korea but not now is after my Job in Libya 2010(Ieda note; mistake from “2010”?),I want this Fund to move out of Africa for security reason ,that why i need your urgent help and when i will come to your country you will send me some money for my Air Ticket and PTA (Ieda note; what is this?) that why you need to receive my ATM VISA CARD Fund from UBA bank and start withdrawing the Fund out be for my Arrive for our Investment project OK, try to send your full information so that i will send it to the bank to register the ATM VISA CARD in your name and information and I will give you the lawyer contact (Ieda note; Is there the role of lawyer, too? Or is it monodrama only by him through email only?) i want to remind you once again that every arrangement towards this project is intact between both of us, Send your below information to me urgently;
Your full names:………..
Your age:………..
Your address:…………..
Post code:……………..
Telephone number:………
And she attached 4 pictures as followings;
Oh, she attached her US Passport this time! Even the fraud group in Nigeria has this level of graphic counterfeit ability. However the part between the picture and back setting looks quite artificial. If anybody of you come from USA, please send me a feedback. And 2 pictures of medical scene. The third one really looks like free material from internet. The other one sent 2 days ago had a credit of “wiseGEEK” down the corner. They might have noticed it after sending it. What is curious is title of each picture is “serial number”. If it is private photo album, each picture should be named along her memory. I guess they have something like “Cheating stuff folder” and store pictures with serial number. The largest number of picture is “444”. How huge stocks they are storing!
It is not the end yet. I just sent a reply mail to her like following;
“Dear Belinda,
I really appreciate your patient reply. I’m afraid that my indecisive stance might be irritating you. Please have an understanding. As you checked my profile at Linked in, I have been working in Financial sector for quite long time. I am the guy who can’t take next step without full understanding of the situation. I truly hope you are tenacious lady to wait for the guy like me.
So you would come to Japan after 2020 (you wrote “2010”, but it is a mistake from “2020”, isn’t it?), but it takes at least 60 days ($1.2 million/$20,000) to liquidate whole fund, that is why you want me to withdraw money everyday before you come to Japan. That’s the situation, isn’t it?
My next question is something concerning the deposit certificate.
1. Main office address of United Bank of Africa de Senegal is “Boulevard du President Habib Bourguiba, Dakar”. Why the address on the certificate is defferent?
2. The slogan “You’re Banking Partners”. Isn’t it “Your Banking Partner”?
3. “$1,200,000 US Dollars” Should the description be “USD1,200,000-“?
4. The type of account is “DOMMICILARY”. But isn’t it the mistake from “DOMICILIARY”? I guess bankers never make mistakes like this. But does it indicate the cultural level in Africa?
I really pay respect for your desperate courage in Lybya and hope to receive your reply.”
So can I expect the reply from her? If it were me, I would have stopped contact as I notice to be played. Anyway I will report the outcome on this Blog.
【Follow up on 29. March】
So sincerely as it seems, Dr. Belinda wrote back again upon my questions. My questions were very suspicious one to doubt the forgery of the deposit certificate. Nevertheless she (or he) sent incorrigibly infant excuses. Anyway following is the copy of the mail. This mail contains so many miss spelling as they seem like to fall into half panic.
《My dearest one how was your day,thanks for write back to my mail,I appreciate all your effort and to accept me as your Business partner,I promise you will not be disappointed by me or regret of assist me,in respect of your last question?
1. Main office address of United Bank of Africa de Senegal is “Boulevard du President Habib Bourguiba, Dakar”. Why the address on the certificate is defferent?……………… my dear UBA bank in Senegal is up to 10 Branch Office,so you don”t need to worry about the address OK (Ieda note; there is Societe General Bank at the address on the certificate, not Union Bank of Africa, maybe they recycle fraud materials and forgot to correct details) .
2. The slogan “You’re Banking Partners”. Isn’t it “Your Banking Partner”?….. No (Ieda note; OK, as you like)
3. “$1,200,000 US Dollars” Should the description be “USD1,200,000-“?……………. my dear Senegal is French speaking country and their writ up is difference OK (Ieda note; I had once worked at French Bank and I know this is just bullshit)
4. The type of account is “DOMMICILARY”. But isn’t it the mistake from “DOMICILIARY”? I guess bankers never make mistakes like this. But does it indicate the cultural level in Africa? my dear Senegal is French speaking country (Ieda note; French speaker would say “Bullshit!”) and their writ up is difference OK ,some of the words is using French way to write it OK,what we need is love and trust try to trust me the way I trust you by choosing me to be my Business partner OK.Send your below information to me urgently;
Your full names:………..Your age:………Your address:………..Post code:……………..City:………………….Country:……………….
Telephone number:………Profession:…………….》
This time she attached just heart figured flower graphic. The tone of the mail has become quite catastrophic as they speak only random. I had expected a little bit more smart one, but they are just disappointing.
Now I’m planning next mail like below.
《Dr.Belinda, I truly appreciate your sincere attitude to answer my bold questions. Now I like to make the last request to confirm your existence. I already saw your beautiful picture shots. Could you take picture upon my requested pose? I want you to hold raw fish on your both hands and take a picture to send me. Then I can finally confirm you are the real existence.》
So which answer do you expect? Off course I will report everything on this Blog without delay!
【Follow up on 1. April】Such a hilarious picture was attached!
After taking day off during weekend, a mail from “self-styled Dr. Belinda” has arrived on Monday morning. The contents is just the copy of second half of previous mail requiring my personal data. It seems like they are not in the right frame of mind to handle. However the attached picture was outrageous!!
Do they believe all guys loose judgements with cleavage? This is too trite! Incidentally is this lady the same one as they had sent before?
Then I sent a reply mail to them. It is the one I foresaid in last article, requesting to take a picture of herself holding big law fish on both hands to confirm her existence. Which reply do you expect? They might be going to process picture with Photoshop? Or they finally gave up by noticing they get already caught? Anyway I will report the outcome on this Blog.
【Follow up on 3.April】Is there such a flashy Doctor Certificate?!
So I sent (self-styled) Dr. Belinda Kendrick the mail requesting “I like you to send your picture holding big raw fish on both of your hands in order to confirm your existence”. I received the reply mail like below;
《My dearest one how was your day,i come this evening to wish you happy new month,this month is our celebration month and we must rejoice,I want to inform you and warn you i m busy Doctor without Borders,I work with military in Libya Doctors without Borders Bass no time to eat or travel until i finish my Job,i don”t have time and we are not allow to use tel phone in our Military Bass we only use Radio and computer,if you are serious and capable want to assist me in this transaction of ATM VISA CARD Fund $1.200,000,00 USD for our Investment project in your country,go ahead and forward me your full information so that i will summit it to UBA bank to register the CARD and process it for delivering (Ieda note; Don’t they need the date of birth to issue credit card?),this transfer is for your own good because you will be the one to Invest the fund in your country,I have give you all necessary documents for you to be live me and trust me as i trust you,I m waiting for your information.Dr.Belinda.
Send your below information to me urgently;
Your full names:………………Your age:………………Your address:…………….Post code:……………..
City:………………….Country:…………….Telephone number:…..Profession:…………….》
Well, this reaction is just as expected. Pictures of sexy woman they sent me were those they picked up somewhere in internet. Dr. Belinda Kendrick is their imaginary existence and never exist in Libya or Nigeria. Maybe they noticed my suspicion and they sent the copy of US Doctor Certificate this time which I couldn’t stop from laughing!
Have you ever seen such a funky colorful official certificate? Although I have not seen Doctor License in Florida, there are so many blemish points in every line! As for just only ones which caught my eye, I can indicate mistakes like above. Maybe I can find much more when I make further investigation, though I don’t do it as waste of time. They might have presented this because they noticed I might have become suspicious. But this is too hasty.
Then I sent the mail like below;
You are very tied up and too busy to meet my request? But you have enough time to cheat money from the safe and plan how to liquidate it. And my request to confirm your existence must be the most important gate to start your scheme. I have to warn you as well as you did, I can’t cooperate with you without following my request. If you can’t prepare big raw fish, prepare 2 eggs and take your picture with those eggs on your both hands. You are based in Lybya, aren’t you? Then show me the proof of your existence there, please.
However I make one compromise with you. I give you my personal data as followings;
Details of personal data (all fake, off course)》
Yes. I have sent my personal data to them as it was shame to finish all correspondents. I wanted to see a little bit more into their trick scheme. Off course all data are just fake. It will be extremely funny, if they could issue the card from them.
And next morning I had a reply.
《My dear Thank you so much for your reply, how was your day, please go ahead and contact the lawyer with his contact information be low tell him you are the right person to receive the ATM VISA CARD from Dr.Belinda Kendrick, send your information to him,I will direct him what to do and how to go to the bank and receive the ATM VISA CARD and post to your Country Address.do that and get back to me.
Name. ………… Barrister Carlos Mokuta,
E-mail address ….( barristercarlosmokutalawsen@gmail.com )
E-mail address ….( barristercarlosmokutalawsen@africamail.com )
Telephone number:…… ( +221 706793186)》
Carlos MoKuta, a lawyer, gave me a mail to confirm my data, too. Finally the role of lawyer has come up to the stage! I wonder how they cheat money from me. It seems like something suspicious is consisted in the card they will send and directions how to withdraw money. It might be the scheme to transfer money from my account to their account when I make some certain operation with ATM. However I wonder if they can achieve such high level scheme when I think about their infant cheating materials. Anyway I keep along with them a little bit more.
Linked In has become the den of con men!
Above is a part of “Dr. Belind Kendrick” page of Linked In. 42 Dr. Belinda Kendrick with same faces exist all over the world. Again, this is just a part of it. Probably they are making slightly different cheating stories with each “Dr. Belinda” and sending “Nigerian Letter” all over the world (most of them are coming to Japan?). I really worry about Security control of Linked In. Aren’t they too lousy?
And then this is the Facebook opened by Belinda Kendrick. The Facebook was opened on 21. March. Maybe this is for alibi after they tried cheating with me. Although Dr. Belinda asserted she was deadly tied up in Libya days and nights, she had a time to make such a laid-back Facebook.
Although the time to leave might be coming closer, I will tenaciously repot the progress on this Blog.
【Follow up on 9. April】The first money request!
After I presented my personal data (all fake, off course) to the lawyer roll guy, I received a mail like below from Dr. Belinda Kendrick.
《My dear how are you today,I want to inform you that UBA Bank De Senegal have Issue the ATM VISA CARD Fund $1.200.000 USD to the lawyer today (Ieda note; Hey, hey, do they issue the card without the date of birth?),please try to co operate with the lawyer by sending him money $280 USD for DHL post tax in other to enable him to post the ATM VISA CARD to your country (Ieda note; The first money request, finally!),for your notice you don”t need to delay the ATM CARD in lawyer office as you know the bank have issue it out for security reason,I m sorry that i did not have money to pay for the DHL post tax right now because of my position in Doctors Bass i don”t have access to my money until i go back to my country as i told you that is our law when ever we are on mission in any country (Ieda note; Is that true?),try to send the money to the lawyer and receive the ATM CARD so that i can take my leave to come over to your country for our Investment project,thanks for your understanding and help,I await your immediate response
Yours Dr Belinda Kendrick.》
Yes, finally the first money request has come! However it is not very likely that they have spent so long time to demand only “US$280”. I suspect their conspiracy is consisted in the card and instructions how to withdraw money from ATM.
It is quite shame that the story will not go ahead without paying this US$280. Off course I am not idiot enough to pay this. I have to prepare the moment of truth. I will write the mail like below and wait what happens.
《Dr. Belinda Kendrick,
I thank you for informing me the progress of the project. But please bear in mind, I cannot cooperate with you without meeting my last request. I absolutely need to confirm your real existence before going forward. Please take a picture of you in Doctor’s white robe with big raw fish or 2 eggs both on your hands. Then I can confirm your existence and go ahead. You might say you’re strictly tied up and have no time to respond my request. However you had a time to open such a laid-back atmosphere Facebook on 21st March like attached.
This is absolute condition for cooperation. Without this I cannot go ahead with this project. Please think about this.》
Ordinary people would know the attempt is already broken. Which reply is going back, or they will keep silent? I will report the outcome right away on this Blog.
The result of Image search
They have sent many pictures and quite many of them are sexy pictures of Dr. Belinda Kendrick. Google Image search found the source of the one.
This is the one they sent me in the beginning.
She is Ms. Jill Stevens(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jill_Stevens) from Utah State, USA. The left is the one they sent me and the right is the one I found in Internet. They are clearly matched. I am rather impressed with high resolution of group’s picture. This lady had won “Miss Utah” and many other Miss contests. She is also working as combat medic in the Utah Army National Guard and served as a medic during an 18-month tour in Afghanistan in 2004-2006. So it is no surprising this costume picture remains. It is only too bad for her to be used as such a fraud tool.
【Folow up on 20.April】“The Moment of Truth”
Well, I sent the mail which I noticed in my last report. It was the mail to demand Dr. Belinda Kendrick to hold big raw fish on both of her hands in order to confirm her existence. I had looked forward to the reply mail. Do they make fake picture by Photoshop? Or do they take picture of local girl covering her face with big mask? However it is quite shame that they did not send the reply mail. It is no surprising even if they had finally noticed that I had made fool of them. I really wanted to keep talking with them a little bit more!
Do you know the word “The Moment of Truth”? It is not IT term but the word used in Frederick Forsyth’s novel which means the moment when a spy identifies himself for informant. I sent a mail 2 days ago like below.
《Dear (self-styled) Dr. Belinda Kendrick,
it is almost 10 days since I wrote to you the last mail. Have you already given up to cheat me?
Then I give you the moment of truth now. Yes, I had known you are the fraud group maybe from Nigeria. Are you a young jobless in Lagos? And all of our correspondents have been reported in real time on my Blog everyday, Japanese MassMedia is very interested in broadcasting this mail exchange through TV nation wide. You are now very famous man in Japan. You better give up the fraud scheme with the name of “Dr. Belinda Kendrick” as so many people have enjoyed this slap stick show. I tell you just in case, no credit card is issued without checking “the date of birth”. And other cheating staffs are too hasty like attached. You should have known how long time I had been working in global finance industry. And you have sent so many pictures but I found most of their sources through Image Search.
However I couldn’t understand just one thing. You have not demanded any money except $280 as lawyer’s commission. I don’t think you have planned this plot just for this tiny money. How have you planned to take money from me? Maybe the card you would send me and the instruction how to operate ATM are the key of the fraud scheme. Can you tell what you had tried to do? Probably I can give you some advice for your future success.
Best regards,》
They did not reply this mail either. I have been going along with this project for a month, but it is finally over. It’s a bid sad, I have to say…
Incidentally this fraud mail is quite familiar with other overseas anti-scam sites. You can see a part of them below. Although names of Doctors are various, the plot of “Doctors without borders”, and“Working at Libya in terrible and dangerous circumstance” is all same. Probably this description of Libya was made at the time of 2014 Civil war and they are still keeping this mail text. Anyway they will keep sending this mail all over the world, though a part of people are familiar with this scheme through my Blog. Because this is something like “Market of bigger fool”. Though my speaking partner was quite stupid, there must be more stupid people than him. In order to defend yourself, you have to brush up the literacy in IT and social common sense.
(This might be reprinting from my Blog?)
I am not sure where y᧐u’rе ցetting your info, һowever goⲟd topic.
I must spend a while studying morе or figuring out moгe.
Thank you for great infⲟrmation І waѕ іn search of thіs info for my mission.
私にも最初全く同じようなメールが、Dr. Betty Wilsonを名乗る女性から送られてきました。
My dear.
How are you doing today? I hope you are in good health? If so, thanks be to God who made it possible. Dear i am writing to you today with much joy and excitement, after this long period of time with no communication. I thank God who protected me in the military job at war zone, My purpose of writing to you today is to notify you of my successfully delivery of my ATM VISA CARD Fund with assistance of a partner from Europe Germany he is a successful business man, I am presently in Germany for my investment project, after which i will go back to United State where i am currently staying as retired Medical Doctor.
Meanwhile i did not forget all your past efforts and curiosity to make sure you assist me in receiving my fund which unfortunately failed for reasons best known to God. So i have decided to show you my appreciation by living behind a sum amount of $100.000 USD in UBA Bank Dakar Senegal because i didn’t have your bank account, So i pleading with you to accept the little offer from me. I want you to contact the UBA Bank Dakar Senegal they will transfer the money to you. Please contact UBA bank immediately with details below, I have already informed the UBA bank manager about you when i went to Senegal with my business partner to his home town
UBA Bank Plc
Bank Director ..Papies Camara
Visa Card Department.
Bank Email address: ( customerservicecare_uba@accountant.com )
Phone Tel:..+221 77 268 4946
C.C. To. Central Bank of Senegal.
I am currently very busy in Germany with investment project which am working very hard to establish. So i would like you to understand with me, in case i did not get back to you anytime you write to me because am busy. I barely have time for myself talk more having time to check my mails, but i will try my best to keep in touch with you. So do not fail to notify me as soon as you receive the money from bank So that we could celebrate to success and long lasting relationship, for i believe that the future has something amazing and a special place for us. Anyway i will stop here but i will be looking forward to read from you as soon as you receive the money from bank. Thanks and do have a nice day.
Best regards,
Dr. Betty Wilson
それで、指定されたUBA Bank Plc Bank Director:Mr.Papies Camara Visa Card Department.宛てにメールを送りましたら、次のような返信が有りました。
UBA Bank Plc
Bank Director:Mr.Papies Camara
Visa Card Department.
Bank Email address: ( customerservicecare_uba@accountant.com )
Phone Tel:..+221 77 268 4946
C.C. To. Central Bank of Senegal.
We Be informed that you have ATM VISA CARD of (100,000.00 UD) deposited and credited to here in UBA Bank De Senegal from Sergeant Betty wilson but before we proceed in sending your ATM Visa Card through DHL Courier service. It is very important that you send all your present information as requested below for Varification.we have only two ways of transfer of money,one through bank to bank transfer two Through ATM VISA CARD Fund transfer,
Full name ………………………..
Address …………………………
Country …………………………..
City …………………………………
Telephone number …………………….
we need your bank Account information
Bnnk name……………………..
Account Number…………….
Account Holder name………….
Branch and Address…………..
Once i receive this information’s from you, We shall proceed in sending your ATM VISA CARD without any delay in the help
of our bank Agent Mr.JAMESON KOWA ,If you need bank to bank transfer you forward your bank Account Informnation so that we can transfer the money part by part to your account OK
Mr.Papies Camara
From ATM VISA CARD Transfer Department.
Dear Sir,
Let me start by introducing myself. I am the President of the expert consulting center ECC «Invest-Project» Ltd. (Moscow). It is a government owned company in charge of major projects in Russia.
For the period of 5 years, the company has made the sum of 17.5 billion US dollar from oil and gas royalties, which is for the government of my country. We also received lease bonus payment of 3.8 billion US dollars during the third quarter of last year.
Meanwhile, I have a new assignment with the government of my country and I will need your co-operation for a business Partnership. I will like you to incorporate a new company in Russia, so that I can use my position to award big contracts to you from my current company, which will give us Hundreds of Millions of Dollars as profit.
Please, let me know if I can confide in you on this issue, so that we can agree on terms and conditions. Kindly bear with me if my English is not accurate enough, it is because I am using translator to translate my mail. Kindly reply to my private email address as soon as possible. Email: h66701824@gmail.com
Sincerely yours,
Andrei Ivanovich Lumpov,
President of the expert consulting center ECC.
“Invest-Project” Ltd. (Moscow).
Email: h66701824@gmail.com
Dearest in mind,
I would like to introduce myself for the first time. My name is Barrister David Gómez González, the personal lawyer to my late client.
He worked as a private businessman in the international field. In 2012, my client succumbed to an unfortunate car accident. My client was single and childless.
He left a fortune worth $24,500,000.00 Dollars in a bank in Spain. The bank sent me message that I have to introduce a beneficiary or the money in their bank will be confiscate. My purpose of contacting you is to make you the Next of Kin.
My late client left no will, I as his personal lawyer, was commissioned by the Spanish Bank to search for relatives to whom the money left behind could be paid by my deceased client. I have been looking for his relatives for the past 3 months continuously without success. Now I explain why I need your support, I have decided to make a citizen of the same country with my late client the Next of Kin.
I hereby ask you if you give me your consent to present you as the next of kin to my deceased client to the Spanish Bank as the beneficiary. I would like to point out that you will receive 45% of the share of this money, 45% then I would be entitled to, 10% percent will be donated to charitable organizations.
If you are interested, please contact me at my private contact details by Tel: 0034-604-284-281, Fax: 0034-911-881-353, Email: ddggabogados@mail.com
I am waiting for your answer
Best regards,
Lawyer: – David Gómez González
Dear Sir,
I need your co-operation for a business Partnership.
This Partnership will give us Hundreds of Millions of Dollars as profit.
Kindly write to my personal email address below so that we can agree on terms and conditions..
My Email: h66701824@gmail.com
Sincerely yours,
Andrei Ivanovich Lumpov,
President of the expert consulting center ECC.
“Invest-Project” Ltd. (Moscow).
Email: h66701824@gmail.com