0 資産運用こそ『混沌に目鼻を付ける』試みなのか?/Asset Management could lead to the anecdote “Put the face on Chaos” by Zhuang Zi from Chinese classical literature work 8月 28, 2020
0 神話と日本刀の故郷、出雲へ③「石見銀山と松江城」/Journey in Izumo, hometown of Mythology and Samurai Sword②“Iwami silver mine and Matsue castle” 4月 19, 2018
0 イエス・キリストは青森で死んだ?一人の男の誇大妄想が生んだ秘境の聖地と、日本人の宗教観/Jesus Christ died at Aomori, northern Japan? A delusion of a Megalomania made Sacred place in untrodden land 4月 6, 2022