《速報》底が抜けた株式市場:グローバルな流動性拡大にバックギア/《Breaking News》Stock markets’ bottom came out:Global liquidity expansion gets into back-geared
Global markets crash and stronger JPY go on simultaneously
While new Corona virus goes on rampage across the world, global equity markets crash has finally started. After showing small upturn trend in mid-February when US$/JPY rate reached 112 Yen level, infection explosion occurred in Italy and the first dead was found in the US, and Dow Jones Industrial 30 Index started falling down as if they have recognized their mistake. Simultaneously Japanese Yen showed extremely sharp up turn into 101 Yen level. In previous article, I attributed the factor of market crash to excess unlisted securities valuation. But it was triggered by unexpected factor like new Corona pandemic.
(English text continues to the latter half of the page)
さらにCDS指数(Credit Default Swap、企業の債務不履行にともなうリスクを対象にした保険コスト、数値が高いほどリスクが高まっていることになる)はすでに2月中旬から日米欧3極で急上昇を始めている。これはもはやグローバルな投機資金が安定してドルに集まるというこれまでの流動性拡大の構造が維持不可能になっていることを示している。
Global markets crash and stronger JPY go on simultaneously
While new Corona virus goes on rampage across the world, global equity markets crash has finally started. After showing small upturn trend in mid-February when US$/JPY rate reached 112 Yen level, infection explosion occurred in Italy and the first dead was found in the US, and Dow Jones Industrial 30 Index started falling down as if they have recognized their mistake. Simultaneously Japanese Yen showed extremely sharp up turn into 101 Yen level. In previous article, I attributed the factor of market crash to excess unlisted securities valuation. But it was triggered by unexpected factor like new Corona pandemic.
NY Dow Index and Exchange rate(since February 2020)
For most of Japanese investors, it might have looked weird that simultaneous progress of Equity market crash and stronger JPY. Small extent of strong JPY is certainly negative for equity markets, but such a wild upturn of JPY in crashing equity markets does not make sense as selling spree of Japanese equities means escaping from JPY markets which should lead to weaker JPY. Namely this phenomenon should be read as capital flight from US$.
The structure of expanding liquidity is broken now
Global capital markets had enjoyed more or less liquidity expansion by forcible economic and financial policies of President Trump. Since November 2016 when he won the presidential race, NY Dow Index had climbed up by more than 60% which had sustained his presidency. Even Japanese equity markets has been sustained by NY sentiment and overflow of capital from NY markets. But looking back to its fundamentals factors, corporate profit had been already decreasing trends, and growth rate in Q4 was unprecedented -7.1% mainly due to consumption tax rate hike on October. Those factors were far from justifying near all time high level of stock markets.
Yield curve development of US treasury
US Treasuries’ yield curve has been driven down wildly like the chart above. Whole yield curve is set below 1% line for the first time. President Trump would give pressure to FRB for further interest rate cut. However interest rates are already too low to give dynamic positive impact to capital markets.
Development of CDS Index
(9. March Japan Economic Journal)
Moreover CDS(Credit Default Swap)soared since late February anywhere in US, Europe, and Japan. This indicates that the structure of global stable speculation capital is supplied to US$ from excess liquidity is not sustainable anymore.
It was new Corona virus which triggered the crash, but something essential behind was the failure of liquidity expansion structure which had sustained global capital markets.
Japan needs drastic economic measures to sustain fundamental factors
The crash of markets is not something cyclical but structural. You can’t expect sudden recovery. So-called Abenomics had forced BOJ and GPIF (Government Pension Investment Fund) to purchase Japanese equities in order to sustain markets. But technical tactics without fundamentals background will certainly defeat sooner or later. Bank of Japan is already the largest shareholder of half of listed securities. Overall average purchase cost is considered to be around 19,500 of Nikkei Average Index which is already under broken. To purchase more on weaknesses will lead to the failure of central bank. What is needed for market recovery is not technical, but fundamental drastic economic policy. In the imminent situation, it might be quite “acrobatic” measure.
The policy must be;
・the one to stimulate directly to fundamental factors, not technical
・the one to give essential positive impact to domestic economy, not superficial one
・the one which people had never expected
This is my very personal opinion but I believe the policy to meet those requirements is “Temporary bang repeal or rate cut of consumption tax”. Off course it is almost impossible. LDP Government hiked its rate from 8 to 10% on last October. Sudden policy change in less than half year would be almost suicide mission for current parliament and Abe Cabinet must leave. However vast scale of tax revenue will disappear as long as economic activities are frozen under Covid-19 which should be many times bigger than the loss from consumption tax bang. Until now nobody had expected this measure, it can work out to encourage private consumption, production increase in private sector, and fresh investment.
I 100% know this is violent opinion. But if Prime Minister Abe dare to work for national profit rather than number of his election voting, he can leave the throne as Prime Minister who did the one last good thing. Or opposition parties must bring this idea true as National Representatives.
Well I definitely enjoyed studying it. This post offered by you is very helpful for correct planning. Korella Tanny Kunkle