8 実況中継も遂に決着!<また来たぞ、ナイジェリアの手紙!>今度はDr. Belindaだ/The last report!<Nigerian Letter has arrived again!> Dr. Belinda, this time 3月 26, 2019
0 コロラド州2,000㎞走破の弾丸トリップ!⑥《遂に最終回!帰国前最後の1日に4,200m峰に登頂?》/Bullet trip of 2,000km drive in Colorado!⑥《Finally the last report: Climbing up on 4,200m peak in a day before leaving?》 10月 31, 2019
0 神話と日本刀の故郷、出雲へ③「石見銀山と松江城」/Journey in Izumo, hometown of Mythology and Samurai Sword②“Iwami silver mine and Matsue castle” 4月 19, 2018