コロラド州2,000㎞走破の弾丸トリップ!④《デュランゴ散策と、西部の街並みを残すシルバートン》/Bullet trip of 2,000km drive in Colorado!④《A walk in Durango and Silverton, a town of Wild West》
(English text continues to the latter half of the page)
朝食でお世話になった「Oscar’s Café」。頭の上を蒸気機関車が走っている。オムレツとエッグベネディクトが絶品!
デュランゴの街から北に約18㎞のハイウェイ550沿いにあるピンカートン温泉。どういうわけだか日本のガイドブックには一切出ていないけど、小ぶりながらこれは面白い!自然石の巨岩から温泉が湧き出ている。1875年にJames Harvey Pinketon氏がここに牧場を開き、同時に家族と訪問客のための温泉施設を開いたそうだ。岩からほとばしる温泉を手にすくって飲んでみると、温湯(ぬるゆ)で鉄の味がした。
狭軌鉄道がデュランゴと結ぶ鉱山の町シルバートンへ向かう。551号線を北に約80㎞、ただサンファン(San Juan)国立森林公園と山岳地帯を抜けていくため、3,000m台の峠をいくつか越える。
車窓から見える峠の一つ、Grayrock Peak、麓にはPurgatory Resortというスキーリゾートが広がる。
シルバートンのすぐ手前、Snowdon Peakを臨む展望台から。ここで標高3,200mくらい。アメリカ人夫婦が連れとの2ショット写真を撮ってくれる。
街の外れにあった「シルバートン刑務所と歴史博物館(San Juan County Historical Societyに付設の博物館)」。一見地味に見えるけど、これは見応えがあった。奥の建物でチケット($10)を購入、かつての監獄を移設した隣の建物をスタートして開拓時代の郡刑務所を見学、そこから地下に降りると地下道がかつての坑道のように演出されて鉱山の町としての歴史を見せられ、地下道から最初にチケットを買った建物に上がると3階までのフロアで街の盛衰にまつわる様々な歴史的展示が展開される。狭い土地に延べ5フロア分の展示を詰め込んだ博物館。
昼時になったので花をきれいに飾ったおシャレな「Brown Bear Café」で昼食。サンドイッチとスープのセットに、スパイシーチキンウイング。レモネードを半分飲んだら、いきなりウエイトレスに持っていかれてしまったので何事かと思ったら、また満杯にして持ってきてくれた。思わぬサービス!
Taking a walk in Durango
The town Durango where we have stayed 3 nights as the base of Mesa Verde trip was developed first in 19th Century, the time of Wild West. The town had enjoyed prosperity of mining center and now it is popular resort town as the base of outdoor activities. The river Animas is beautiful. Now let’s take a walk in the town.
The most famous tourism content in Durango is “Durango and Silverton narrow gauge railroad”. It connects Durango and Silverton, 80km away in North, in 3 hours. It appears in the movie “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)”.
Deer visits the hotel in the town every evening.
Scene at outdoor goods special stores in the town. A dog clerk is checking merchandises in show window and he returned to his desk afterwards.
Bench in front of an antique shop.
We enjoyed breakfast at Oscar’s Café so much! A locomotive is running above head. Omelette and Egg Benedict are splendid.
Pinkerton Hot Spring just by Route 550, 18 km northern side of Durango. Although I couldn’t find this in Japanese guidebooks, this is so curious! Hot spring water is fountaining from giant natural rock. Mr. James Harvey Pinkerton established his farm in 1875 and he made Hot spa facility for his family and visitors there. I tried spring water and it was lukewarm and tasted iron.
Toward Silverton where the time of Wild West still lives
We headed toward Silverton which is connected by the narrow gauge railroad with Durango. 80 km North from Durango, we drive through San Juan National Forest Park and a couple of mountain peaks beyond 3,000m.
Grayrock Peak from the window. On the foot is Purgatory Ski Resort. Why “Purgatory”?
Scenic point looking up Snowdon Peak of around 3,200m. An American couple has taken our shot.
After this observatory, it was only 10km to Silverton. I happened to pick up a hitchhiker down there. He looked around 40 and said he had been working at Chicago but gotten weary of working in the concrete jungle. He took day off and started walking from Denver to this place for 1 month. He said his final destination was Silverton. I said why he didn’t make the last 10km then. Maybe he was close to the limit. We said goodbye to him at Tourist Information of Silverton. I maybe should have taken picture as a memorial of the journey.
The town Silverton is surrounded by “Treasure mountains” where they mined firstly silver, then gold, tin, and Uranium in recent years. They have still Gold mine tour in suburban areas.
These 2 pictures are shots from the town. Main street is only 3 or 4 hundred meters, and belong to the street old town like Western movies are showing colorful walls.
This is not a fire hydrant, but electricity charge station with the mark of “TESLA”. In these days the bar for horses might have been there. They have the same purpose of transportation. Despite many changes through times, Silverton offers same town facilities through 140 years.
San Juan County Historical Society at the end of the town. It looks quite simple and plain at the first glance, but it was really worth while visiting. Entry ticket ($10) is sold at the house behind, then you can enter the former jail house (front). It is real county jail during pioneer days. And the basement leads to underground tunnel to the next building, mining and town museum. Jail house is 2 floors and basement, and house behind is 3 floors. In such a small place, you can see exhibitions and installations of 5 floors in total.
Installations at Jail house. In County jail in 19. Century, Jailer’s family lived in the same house and it was jailer’s wife’s job to cock prisoners’ meals.
Silverton had enjoyed prosperous time through mining since pioneering era. Exhibition of minerals shows various kinds of mining stones starting from gold and silver. Even uranium mines are being produced between 1940 and 85. And after this uranium mining, the history of Silverton as Mining city. In recent years the town gathered attention again as outdoor base for trekking or ski.
Lunch at Brown Bear Café with a lot of beautiful flowers. Plates of Sandwich set and Spicy chicken wings. A waitress suddenly took away my lemonade glass when I finished half and gave me back again at full. What a service!
Horseback riding to the cave in the mountain
Leaving Silverton we headed toward Rapp Coral which I had booked horseback riding in advance. It is 2 hours program to go to the limestone cave in the mountain.
He is Mr. Bear. He carried me. I didn’t know why the horse is named “Bear”, but he was verybig and gentle horse.
Shot from the horseback. So clear mountain view.
We’re entering into the mountain like this.
We parked the horse at plateau and went down to the cave around 10 minutes.
Arriving at the limestone cave. The guide was Sophie from Kansas. She took this job just a few months ago. All through her life she had wondered around the world to commit nature jobs and civilian project. When I talked about a hitchhiker at Silverton, her first word was “he is crazy!” I guess she is a girl of freedom as well.
As this is not well-maintained cave like National Park, inside of the cave were plenty of graffiti. Especially at the end of the cave, 50m from the entrance, there was graffiti of more than 100 years. I am “Cave mania” and visit many caves worldwide and I thought this was not remarkable one. But it was very impressive, too, as a cave you can go in the horseback.
Very cool cat in the coral. She doesn’t care to be touched, but no hospitality.