0 自分の身内が『オレオレ詐欺』の被害者に!神奈川県警の対応に驚愕/My family member became victim of “Ore-Ore Telephone fraud”! I was also shocked by Kanagawa PD’s response 5月 28, 2021
6 【自己責任論】言葉は想いを伝えるが、同時に多くのものを包み隠す/Words contain your thought, but they conceal and hide many things 10月 31, 2018
8 実況中継も遂に決着!<また来たぞ、ナイジェリアの手紙!>今度はDr. Belindaだ/The last report!<Nigerian Letter has arrived again!> Dr. Belinda, this time 3月 26, 2019