突然わけのわからない見出しが出てきました。でも今回のアイスランド旅行で、自分の秘めたテーマでもあります。本日訪れたのはレイキャビクの北西、スナイフェルスネス半島(Snaefellsness)一帯。アイスランド屈指のパワースポットと呼ばれるエリアで、ジュールヴェルヌの『地底旅行(ディズニー映画のセンター・オブ・ジ・アースの原作)』の舞台になったことでも知られています。アイスランド唯一のノーベル文学賞受賞者ハルドル・ラクスネスの代表作『氷河麓のキリスト教(原題:Kristnihald undir Jokli)』の舞台になったところでもあります。ちなみに日本では1979年に工作舎から「極北の秘境」という名前で翻訳が出ていますが、今に至るまで文庫化されたこともなく、この本を実際に読んだ方はほとんどいないのではないでしょうか。
Confronting of wild nature and humankind: Does Nature worship lead to “Tao”?
You might wonder the ambiguous headline but this was one of my main theme to visit Iceland. My destination of the day was Snaefellsness peninsula, North-eastern region of Reykjavik. This area is known as one of the best power spots in Iceland and the field of “Journey to the Center of the Earth” by Jules Gabriel Verne(The original story of the Disney film ). And it is also the field of “Christianity under the Glacier (Kristnihald undir Jokli)” by Halldor Laxness, only Nobel Literature Prize winner in Iceland. In Japan, the translation was published in 1979 from minor publisher. I guess very few Japanese people have ever read this novel.
(English text continues to the latter half of the page)
Confronting of wild nature and humankind: Does Nature worship lead to “Tao”?
You might wonder the ambiguous headline but this was one of my main theme to visit Iceland. My destination of the day was Snaefellsness peninsula, North-eastern region of Reykjavik. This area is known as one of the best power spots in Iceland and the field of “Journey to the Center of the Earth” by Jules Gabriel Verne(The original story of the Disney film ). And it is also the field of “Christianity under the Glacier (Kristnihald undir Jokli)” by Halldor Laxness, only Nobel Literature Prize winner in Iceland. In Japan, the translation was published in 1979 from minor publisher. I guess very few Japanese people have ever read this novel.
This is the Japanese translation in 1979.
I just by happening have read this novel when I was high school student. But I talk about this novel later on.
As we departed very early in the morning, we could see very magnificent and mysterious scenery. The lights are coming down from the heaven in the recovering weather. The phenomenon is called “Jacob’s rudder”. In chapter 28, verse 12 of Genesis, Jacob spent a night in the wilderness and he dreamt angels were coming up and down the rudder from the heaven, he recognized the place was the passage between heaven and earth. I am not religious, I know something about Bible just as knowledge. However this scenery reminded me that Heaven and Earth might have been created in this way. This scenery could have represented today’s excursion theme of “Confronting of wild nature and humankind”.
Although it is too far, you can see 2 gray seals. This is the photo at Ytri・Tunga.
This is a distant view of Snaefellsness Glacier. It was the end of the summer and Glacier stayed small. However this Glacier must have spread to the foot of the mountain in 1960s when the novel was written. The novel “Christianity under the Glacier” starts its story from the conversation between Umbi, the young main character, and Iceland Bishop who ordered him to research an old and weird priest under the Glacier. A rumor reached to the Bishop that says some mysterious ceremony took place at the Glacier by a priest. If the rumor is true, the Bishop must punish the priest as a heretic. The novel was very unique structure which reminds that the author had written drama.
I don’t talk much about its story here but an important motive is the Glacier which spread to the foot of the church. Most of immigrants to Iceland in early ages are pagans including Celtic people. Even though Convert declaration to Christianity was made after that, glaciers stayed as reverence target which kept existing from ancient times, it could have been considered as the communication bridge from the God. In Switzerland, I once heard that glaciers were believed to be “Tongue of Devil”. Most of Swiss alps mountains were climbing in recent times because people had believed you are abducted by Satan if they spent a night on the glacier in the other day.
In the strange communication between Umbi and old priest, you gradually see the deep and profound thought of relations between the Glacier (symbol of eternal existence) and individual person. In Christianity the relation between the God and the person is strict dualism of “I” and “Thou”. It is not ambiguous relationship like Japanese local religion which admires, scares, or enjoys together to “Eight million Gods and Goddess”. With the catalyst of the Glacier, their relationship is going to the thought of “Tao” of Lao-tse, a thinker of ancient China. Even though European society thinks and behaves in the basis of Christianity, tradition to scare wild nature still exist here and there. I visited Snaefellsness peninsula of Iceland this time because I had been curious to take looks of another aspect of Europe.
Unfortunately the Glacier was too short at the end of summer time but I could see the scene like above. This is Mt. Kirkjufell, very familiar mountain as representative scenery pictures of Iceland, especially the picture backed by northern lights.
This mountain is not very high, it is just a “big hill” on the shore. However this mountain seems to wear its “personality” from inside. I felt the same feeling of “the power ooze out from the mountain body” as I visited Mount Shasta in northern California, the source of th e mineral water “Crystal Geyser”.
The wilderness of nearby. It is shame that the picture cannot express its vastness.