日本は中国経済ブロックに参入するのか?/Is Japan participating China economic block?
I have been involved with investment management and research for decades. The motive of new investment idea was accidental intuition. One day I can’t take my eye on a trivial change in markets away and suddenly it gives me the vision of distant future. In this stage it is just an idea not based on logic. I start collecting data and building up logical explanation and I apply the idea into concrete investment process after this.
(English text continues to the latter half of the page)
I have been involved with investment management and research for decades. The motive of new investment idea was accidental intuition. One day I can’t take my eye on a trivial change in markets away and suddenly it gives me the vision of distant future. In this stage it is just an idea not based on logic. I start collecting data and building up logical explanation and I apply the idea into concrete investment process after this.
In this mean, my latest idea is just in the stage of “intuition” which is not based on statistical analysis. However recent movements of markets surroundings might have a potential to change whole direction of Japanese economy. I like to leave my idea here. If that is proved to be wrong afterwards, it means just I was still poor investor.
President Trump is leading whole world to where?
The capital markets are being shaken out by the protectionism by President Trump. Discussions are made whether he really charges heavy custom on China, Europe, and Japan and share prices are repeating heavy up and down in these weeks. President Trump made the statement like below on 23. March (Tokyo time),
When you talk with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, it is smiling. I smile that “during such a long, incredible and was able to circumvent the US” original. Such a time is over.
Off course this sought of direct and provocative attitude is his style and I can’t conclude that close relationship between US and Japan comes to an end. But observing things between North Korea and US, US and China, China and North Korea, and North Korea and Korea, I can’t help feeling something which changes streams of history could happen in very near future.
Which roll would Japan play in Chinese economic block?
While global economy is in the good run, economic driver of China was PC or high technology products designed for US and Europe. Japanese manufacturers produce high technology parts of them as Chinese assembly makers cannot touch high spec parts. In this cycle Chinese good shape of Economy and Japanese can coexist. However if the globalism economy is turning into blocks economy, this favorable picture does not work.
But China has the ultimate weapon called “Population”. Once exports to US cannot be the growth driver, they would supply household white goods and social infrastructure to all over China. This is the reappearance of Japan in 1960s. After the Financial crisis in 2008 China made this shift and succeeded in minimizing negative impact.
In this economic picture, Japanese high technology firms have few chances to join. Japanese firms who can join this picture would be Consumer sector which can offer higher living standard, Logistics sector which has potential to build up distribution network all over China, or Environment technology sector which offers solution to worthening public pollution and environmental destruction. I nervously watch recent bull sentiment of stocks like Pigeon(9416) or Nippon Express (9062).