同じものに対する2つの描き方/Different pictures for the same theme
( English text continues to the latter half of the page)
60年代末にジョニー・ミッチェルが発表した『Both sides now』という曲がある。一見すると地味だが時代を超えて歌われる名曲だ。
《Rows and flows of angel hair
And ice cream castles in the air
And feather canyons everywhere
I’ve looked at clouds that way
But now they only block the sun
They rain and snow on everyone
So many things I would have done
But clouds got in my way
I’ve looked at clouds from both sides now
From up and down and still somehow
It’s cloud’s illusions I recall
I really don’t know clouds at all》
雲には表と裏があり、上と下の両面(Both sides)がある
大人のおとぎ話『I am Sam』
『アイ・アム・サム(I am Sam)』は2001年公開のアメリカ映画。主人公のSamを演じたショーン・ペンはアカデミー主演男優賞にノミネートされ、娘役のダコタ・ファニングも放送映画批評家協会賞を始め、数々の賞を受けた。
小説では彼自身が記した文章をそのまま出版したという設定になっている。冒頭はまるで3歳児が書いたような幼く間違いだらけの文章が、知能が発達を遂げるのに伴い文章も立派な大人のものになっていく。それだけに終盤に近付くにつれて段々文章にミススペリングが増え、最後には再び幼児の文章に変わっていき、最後の一文『どーかついでにあったらうわ にわのアルジャーノンのおはかに花束をそなえてください(原文:P.S. please if you get a chanse put some flowrs on Algernons grave in the bak yard.)』がどうしようもなく切なく響く。映画ではとうとう元の知能レベルに逆戻りしたチャーリーが近所の公園で子供と遊んでいるところを、別れた恋人がじっと見つめるラストシーンとなっている。そこには『アイ・アム・サム』のラストで見られた幸せな笑顔はない。どうしようもなく悲しいラストだ。ここまで想い出してみてふと思いついたのは、ひょっとしたら『アイ・アム・サム』の監督はこの悲しいラストシーンのアンチテーゼとして同作のラストを作ったのかもしれないというもの。
“Both sides now” is the number that Joni Mitchell made in the end of 60s. This simple melody song is classical number sung beyond generations.
《Rows and flows of angel hair
And ice cream castles in the air
And feather canyons everywhere
I’ve looked at clouds that way
But now they only block the sun
They rain and snow on everyone
So many things I would have done
But clouds got in my way
I’ve looked at clouds from both sides now
From up and down and still somehow
It’s cloud’s illusions I recall
I really don’t know clouds at all》
Things have both aspects. The same thing can offer totally different factors to your life and to recognize this means growing up.
I seek the theme into movies again. This time I like to introduce 2 movies which give you different messages though they handle the same theme.
Adults’ fairly tale “I am Sam”
“I am Sam” is an American film release in 2001. Sean Penn played the main roll, Sam, and was nominated as Academy award for best actor. Dakota Fanning played his daughter, Lucy. She won various awards like Critics’ Choice Movie Awards.
Sam is middle aged man who has mental retardation. His intellectual level was regarded as 7 years level by the social office. But he was positively working in Starbucks loved by many customers. One day a hooker left a baby at his house saying that she was his baby. After the day he had brought up the baby as his daughter and Lucy had grown up to wise girl who loves Sam. However her intellectual level surpassed the father when she became 7 years old. Social workers forced him to leave Lucy to social facility which he never wanted to. Sam decide to file a suit. Then Rita, elite lawyer played by Michelle Pfeifer, was appointed the case. She attempted to enhance her reputation by committing social case. But Sam’s friends who have problems like mental disorders fell into panic at bar. And Rita herself was troubled with her skills in absolutely disadvantageous trial. Sam whose intellectual level is far below Rita’s hugged her and heal her. Any scenes describe prosecutors and judges with high intellectual level as a symbol of cold society. And Sam is described as an angel of healing. The impression of mental retardation is taken here as “purity” or “God loved child”.
Off course this film finishes in happy ending. Even prosecutors who go by book started recognizing Sam’s pure and intense attitude and Lucy was finally adopted by benevolent foster parents. Sam moved to their house and he could see Lucy every day. People recognized the deep love and bond between Sam and Lucy. The last scene of the film was Sam’s laughing face with a full of happiness playing with Lucy and other kids in the park.
Off course this is the fairly tale for adults. This world is not filled with only bona fides. But this film rolls on fantastic story along familiar songs of Beatles. This film is also worth while viewing.
Intelligence fades away pity and sad “Flowers to Algernon”
Quite many people knew this story as a novel like me. “Flowers to Algernon” is the novel by Daniel Keyes (the Author of “The minds of Billy Milligan”) and as a movie “Charly” was released in 1968.
Charly Gordon is a young man whose intellectual level is 6 years. Even though he learns read and wright in the night school, he can’t spell even his name. His mental disability made his parents divorced. His mother cannot accept his disability even now. His young days are illustrated with only sad and dark colors. He is now working in the bakery as an assistant job but his colleagues make fool on him and cheat his small salaries. However he doesn’t understand how miserable his surroundings are. In these introduction scenes, mental retardation is described as a symbol of unhappy and misery life.
Charly was encouraged to take surgery operation to his brain which could make great leap of his intelligence. Algernon is the experience mouse of this operation. Charly competed maze quiz with Algernon and lost quickly. “I am much more foolish than a mouse”, he cried laud and recognized how his disability is sad. He decided to take the surgery operation to his brain.
After the operation, his brain made a great jump. His colleagues were not happy as Charly is no more target of fooling around. Although his personality stays that of child, Charly acquired the brain more than professors and he joined research activities at college. He acquired new occupation, social position, and even the lover. He enjoys the joy of life. His miserable life is already the past and he never wants to go back there.
His friend in the laboratory was Algernon but Algernon started abnormal behavior and his intellectual level also deteriorated. Charly understood the whole thing. The surgery operation takes effect just temporally and my intelligence is going back to previous level! He immersed himself to experiment to change the destiny. On the other hand, he said goodbye to his lover which seems to give up his destiny. His intelligence is fading away day by day and something like white haze spreads in his brain. His appearance to protest the destiny is nothing but pathetic.
The novel took the style as if Charly himself wrote it. In the beginning texts are full of miss spelling and infant sentences like a little child. These texts gradually are improved page by page. When a reader reaches the middle part, all sentences are totally mistake free and refined. So reader would be deeply impressed, when he reads the last sentence of the novel: “P.S. please if you get a chanse put some flowrs on Algernons grave in the bak yard”. The last scene of the film is the scene in the park. Charly has gone back to previous intellectual level and he played with children in the park. His former lover is watching them at sad look. It was so sad last that there is no salvation in the scene. The director of “I am Sam” might have tried to make the last scene of the film as an antithesis of Charly.
Can the story of Alzheimer become a boom?
Both works handle the theme of mental retardation but their impressions are so different like light and shadow. Which one gives stronger impressions to my heart? That must be “Flowers to Algernon” which described the fundamental fear of intelligence and experiences of life fading away.
As I wrote in previous article, big hit movies must contain the theme of the time. The most critical issue of latest Japan is the unprecedented aging society which human beings have never experienced. Then the fear of cognitive impairment and salvation to patients can appear in near future? There already had been films like “Still Alice (2014, starring Julianne Moore)” or Japanese film “Ashita no Kioku (2006, Memories of Tomorrow starring Ken Watanabe) which handle Alzheimer syndrome. But in both movies main characters lost their memories and personalities at last and no salvation for the patients themselves even though there were love of families. I couldn’t help feeling something downhearted and these inconsolable films cannot be the film of times. If stories like salvations visit patients as symptom goes on, the film can be the film of the time.