四季を通して楽しむ越後湯沢<3年に一度;大地の芸術祭予告編>/Enjoying Echigo Yuzawa through a year
『大地の芸術祭』とは、新潟県十日町市、津南町を中心とする越後妻有(つまり)地域全域を舞台にした大自然と人々の暮らしの中で展開する現代アートの祭典。2000年以降3年ごとに開催されるトリエンナーレで、今回はその7回目。7/29(日)から9/17(月)まで51日間にわたって開催されます。「大地の芸術祭」と友人に言うと、「それって箱根 彫刻の森美術館みたいな感じ?」と返されることが多いんですが、とんでもない!まずスケールが全然違います!越後妻有地域は越後湯沢から山を一つ越えた北側に広がる豪雪で知られる広大な地域、この760㎢(よく広さの比較に使われる東京ドームでいくと20,425個分、もはや比較の意味もありません)に及ぶエリア全体の山の中、限界集落、渓谷の谷間、街角、などにそれぞれのテーマを抱えた現代アートが330以上も並びます。全部見ようと思ったら1週間程度の滞在でも全然足りない、またエリア全体を見て回るために車が必須(もちろん本部からのツアーバスなども出ています、詳しくはHPにてご確認を)今でも覚えている過去の作品で強力に覚えているのは、山道のドン詰まりにある小さな集落。住民のほぼ全員が70代以上という限界集落を丸ごと舞台に使い、各住戸の住民の長い人生の一瞬を表すような写真や絵を住宅の壁面に配し、住民の年齢に従った高さで庭から大きな風船を揚げて、集落が積み重ねてきた歴史を立体的に表したもの。実にスケールの大きい現代アートに驚くとともに、恐らくは保守的で頑なだったであろう集落の高齢者が、世界から集まった現代アーティストと若者中心のボランティアを受け入れてこのような壮大な表現を可能にしたことに驚きます。実現までにいったいどんなドラマがあったんだろう。
www.echigo-tsumari.jp/triennale2018/ (公式HP)
“Echigo Tsumari Art Triennale 2018” is the modern art festival which takes place in the field of Echigo Tsumari area, Niigata, once in 3 years. It started in 2000 and this year is 7th event. The Festival takes place in 51 days between 29. July and 17. September. When you say “this is an art festival performed on Earth”, your friend’s reaction might be “is that something like the garden museum in Hakone?”. No! Absolutely not! There are not in the same league. The performance stage of this art festival is whole area of 760㎢ of Echigo Tsumari. In this huge area, more than 330 modern art projects are performed in the mountain, valleys, tiny colonies, and town corners. One week is never enough to see all exhibitions and you absolutely need a car to visit each exhibition. There are bus tours from the headquarter, please confer official website.
(English text continue to the latter half of the page)
Fuji Rock Festival 2018ほか、湯沢夏のイベント
今年で20年目を迎える『Fuji Rock Festival』も苗場で間もなく始まります(7/27-7/29)。今年はボブ・ディランもやってくる予定。これ以外でも夏の湯沢はイベントが目白押し!地元では誰でも知っている観光誌『VITA(株式会社ひまわり発行)』がこれらのイベントを丁寧にまとめておられますので、ここで引用させていただきます。このフリーペーパーは湯沢の駅を始め、主だったお店には必ず置いてあります。初めて湯沢を訪れる方にはとても役に立つと思いますのでご活用ください。6ページ分を下に貼り付けておきますので、それぞれ拡大してご覧ください。
“Echigo Tsumari Art Triennale 2018” is the modern art festival which takes place in the field of Echigo Tsumari area, Niigata, once in 3 years. It started in 2000 and this year is 7th event. The Festival takes place in 51 days between 29. July and 17. September. When you say “this is an art festival performed on Earth”, your friend’s reaction might be “is that something like the garden museum in Hakone?”. No! Absolutely not! There are not in the same league. The performance stage of this art festival is whole area of 760㎢ of Echigo Tsumari. In this huge area, more than 330 modern art projects are performed in the mountain, valleys, tiny colonies, and town corners. One week is never enough to see all exhibitions and you absolutely need a car to visit each exhibition. There are bus tours from the headquarter, please confer official website.
My most impressive art exhibition in the past was the one performed at entire area of very small colony in a mountain at the end of the road. Almost all residents were over 70 years old and the colony was dying. The artist painted pictures on walls of each house to describe the climax of house masters’ lives and flew balloons at each height to represent ages of house masters. The project was describing the history of the colony and resident people in three-dimensional way. It was large scaled modern art and I was also surprised how the coordinator arranged the relation between the young foreign artists and villagers who might be very conventional and exclusive. I really wondered which kind of drama was performed.
General Director of the Festival is Mr. Fram Kitagawa who also led “Setouchi International Art Festival” or “Nao-shima Art project”. Although his first major outdoor art festival was this “Echigo Tsumari Triennale”, I can’t help feeling it is less-known by public. It might be known better in abroad. It is no doubt this is magnificent event once in 3 years. Please try to visit and take a look on official website.
(Official website)
From art exhibitions in the past
Hundreds of new arts will be exhibited this year. Let me please remember impressive arts in the past.
White building is the headquarter shot from the Matsudai station. Series of events and concerts take place there. The colorful object is the art product by Yayoi Kusama, Japanese artist.
This is the object exhibited on rice terrace behind the headquarter which is often taken as a symbol of the festival.
I like this work though it is rather small one. This art is created by Japanese artist, named “Wings/a trainer of imagine flying”. The object is a gold chair with 2 big wings. This place had been used as crematory of a colony for hundreds of years until modern age, the place of the farewell to this world. Just a glance told me that the artist belonged to “Gamer generation”. This is the spell of “Zoom!” of Dragon Quest!
This is the art of an English artist, named “Set North for Japan (74℃33‘’2‘)”. The artist lives in the terrace house in London and this sculpture is near full scale of the house. If the house dives to the center of the earth and comes up to Echigo Tsumari area, Japan, it looks like this.
This is a gorgeous house rather than an art object. This is “House of light” built at Nakago Green Park in suburban Tokamachi city by an American artist. Its entire roof can slide to take natural sunlight in. The house is Japanese style house and enables various methods to utilize lights. Not only as an art exhibition, but also you can stay there as accommodation through a year,
This is “For lots of lost windows” by Japanese artist. Installing a big window facing overwhelming wild nature in Echigo Tsumari, you can feel winds by curtain.
You see something like a coffin. This is “Dream House” by an artist from Yugoslavia. You spend a night in refurbished ancient farmers’ house and sleep in the room of Red, Blue, Green, and purple. Next morning you take a memo of the dream you saw in the notebook. You can take a look into notebooks since 2000 when the project started.
Oh my Gosh! Asphalt of the parking is waving… When you come behind it…
It is a public restroom! This is an art project as well by French construction office.
“The arch of Life” by Russian artist. It looks the description of life starting right side egg. But it looks too pity as I can’t help being sympathized too deeply as an office worker.
Fuji Rock Festival 2018 and other summer events in Yuzawa
Fuji Rock Festival of 20th anniversary is starting soon at Naeba (27.July-29.July). Bob Dylan is expected to come this year. Out of this summer Yuzawa is packed by a lot of events! Local tourism magazine “VITA” summarized those events (sorry! Japanese only). This free paper is quite familiar at Yuzawa area which is available at any restaurants or station corner.
Summer Yuzawa offers also river swimming occasions like the movie below. If you go to beech tree forest in early morning, you can find a plenty of beetles and stag beetles. Yuzawa is the best place for kids’ summer vacation. Again I say Yuzawa is not only “winter Yuzawa”.