- 秋のケベック州(カナダ):紅葉真っ盛りは逃したけどすっかり楽しんだ9日間①/ Quebec in Autumn (Canada): 9 Days of really fun, though I Missed the Peak of the Fall Foliage①
- 「円安」の後に来るもの:日本の近代史上初めての“個”が活躍する時代が到来か/What’s Coming After the Yen’s Depreciation: Is the Era of ‘Individualism’ Arriving in Japan’s Modern History for the First Time?
- 2024GWは岐阜・名古屋へ小旅行/A little trip to Gifu and Nagoya in GW2024
- 日本の“老害”を考える:日本の凋落を招いた本質?/ Considering Japan’s ‘Cranky old geezer’: The Essence Behind Japan’s Decline?
- 2024冬の記憶:残念な2月から盛り返した3月、しかし“雪国の呪い”が・・・/Memories of 2024 winter: March strikes back after shame February, but “Ritual of snow country” came true・・・
- 経済と投資/Economics&Investment (27)
- 武道/Martial Arts (38)
- 旅/Journey (59)
- 随想/Essays (31)