コロラド州2,000㎞走破の弾丸トリップ!③《神秘のCliff Palaceとアメリカの大地の成り立ち》/Bullet trip of 2,000km drive in Colorado!③《Mysterious Cliff Palace and how American landscape was made》
(English text continues to the latter half of the page)
旅のメインイベントCliff Palaceへ
アメリカに入国して3日目、アメリカ最初の世界遺産でもあるメサヴェルデ国立公園に滞在中。午前中にBalcony Houseのツアーに参加し、13:00から旅の目的だった「Cliff Palace」ツアーに向かう。
Cliff Palaceの向い側の崖中腹にLong Houseの光景が見える。名前の通り岩窟住居が崖の中腹に長々と続いている。こちらにもツアーがあるものの、ほぼ1日がかりのスケジュールになるので、今回は涙を呑んで諦めた。
これがCliff Houseの全景。Mesa Verde国立公園のアイコンにもなっている光景。
岩の間の細い通路を降りて、遺跡に近づく。ただし遺跡の中では壁や塀に触ったり、もたれたりすることはタブー。さらにミネラルウォーター以外の飲食物、特に糖分を含んだ飲料は厳重にパックして外に出さないように、レンジャーから注意を受ける。万が一スナック菓子や糖分が地面に落ちた場合、リスやマーモットのような動物が集まり、遺跡近辺に穴を掘り始めることを恐れるためだという。600年間人間のアクセスを許さず風化に晒されてきた建造物は劣化が進んでおり、近い将来にCliff Palaceなど主要な遺構は立ち入り禁止になるかもしれない。
いよいよCliff Palaceに入場。約200室を有する公園内で最大の岩窟住居。先に見せた俯瞰写真を見ても、小さいながら一つの“都市機能”を持っていたようにも見える。
ここにもBalcony Houseと全く同じシステムのキヴァがある。各住居跡は距離的にも簡単に行き来できる場所にないものの、同じ伝統と生活を持つ人々がこの一帯に住んでいたことが想像できる。
このメサヴェルデ国立公園には、211㎢のエリアにCliff Palaceのような「岩窟住居」が数か所にわたって600室あまり築かれている。もともと人里離れた山の上の台地に「アナサジ」と呼ばれるネーティブアメリカンが住み着き始めたのは紀元1世紀前後と言われている。なぜこんなに不便な土地に住んだのか、ということだが、夏は暑く乾燥し冬は雪が降る高原台地は思いのほか農耕に向いており、狩猟対象の動物も豊富だったようだ。台地の上に住居を築き、独自の文様を持ったバスケットを特徴とする独特の文化・文明を展開してきた彼らが、断崖絶壁の窪みをさらに掘り進んで「岩窟住居」を建設し始めるのが12世紀末頃。一説には敵の襲撃から身を守るためと言われているが、純粋な居住条件を考えても確かに岩窟の中は夏は涼しく、冬は暖かく、水は岩壁の下から所々で湧き出している(下写真を参照)。
厳しい自然の中で暮らす知恵として悪くないが、それにしても僅かな期間の間に、日干し煉瓦を使ったここまで高度な建築技術が発達するのは大変なイノベーションとしか見えない。Cliff Palaceの建造物は高いもので5階建てのマンションに相当する。しかもこの歴史に残る建造物を作り上げてから間もなく、14世紀にはこれらの住居は打ち捨てられ、住民はどこかに散ってしまう。それ以降この遺跡は人々から忘れられ、再び白人入植者によって見つかったのは19世紀末、実に600年近くも人の眼に触れることなく存在してきた。
メサヴェルデ国立公園を後にして、さらに南西に向かって車を走らせ約1時間半で4 Cornersに到着。ここは名前通りに、コロラド州、アリゾナ州、ニューメキシコ州、とユタ州の4つの州の境が1点で交わる場所。アメリカでも4つの州が交わるところはこの1か所しかない。
Cliff Palace:Main target of the trip
It is the 3rd day after the entry to US and we are now in Mesa Verde National Park. We joined Balcony House tour in the morning and the Cliff Palace tour, our main target of the trip, starts at 13:00
You can see the view of Long House on another side of the canyon. Just as its name, it is very long stretched cliff dwellings. Although I wanted to join this tour, I gave it up since it takes almost all day long.
This is the long view of Cliff Palace which is used for Icon of the park.
Thorough very narrow slope, we access to the ruin. It is strictly prohibited to touch and lean on the wall or other structures. It is also prohibited to bring beverages contain sugar because any sweet ingredients can invite ants or marmot which might dig holes into the ruin. The ruin has been deeply weathered during 600 years of human absence. The main ruin like Cliff Palace might be going to exhibit tourists’ entries.
Finally we entered into Cliff Palace, the largest dwellings which has around 200 chambers. It looks equipping small “city function”.
There were Kivas like Balcony House. This indicates that people in this area had been sharing same tradition and life style though dwellings are quite apart which is not easy to commute each other often.
Every time when you come in and out of the Cliff Palace, you have to go through very narrow passage like this. It might be hard way for old ones.
In this Mesa Verde National Park of 211㎢, around 600 chambers are constructed as “Cliff dwellings”. It was said that people called Anasazi came and started living above table plateau on mountains in BC 1. Why did they live in such a distant and inconvenient place? Actually highland plateau is very dry and hot during summer and snow in winter, it is quite suitable place for agriculture. Moreover there were enough hunting animals. They constructed simple houses on the plateau and they developed unique culture and civilization with symbolic basket with original pattern. At the end of 12th Century, they started suddenly “Cliff dwellings” digging spaces under cliffs. Shadows under cliff is considered to be ideal for the defense, and under the cliff is ideal for living in dry summer and cold snowy winter. They could find little water fountain here and there under rocks (cf. the picture below).
It is not bad idea to live under cliff in harsh natural environment. But it still looks great innovation to see such high level of construction technology using adobe bricks. The high storied structure at Cliff Palace is almost equivalent with modern 5 stories building. Moreover those dwellings have been left behind as early as 14th Century and people left somewhere. Those ruins had been forgotten over many years and it was almost 600 years later when white immigrants discovered this ruin again in 18th Century.
It is a big mystery why people abandoned such a completed civilization. Bad harvest? Decrease of hunting animals? Pandemic? This dramatic inhabitant disappearance inspired imaginations of many authors and creators including “X-files” which mixed it with Aliens and UFO. The story like “The rise and fall of a Civilization” has appeared in my personal mind. I couldn’t think they had been very communicative people with other tribes, they should have been very exclusive. As people repeated family marriages, their “birth power” have deteriorated and very few babies were born among them. That could be called “The establishment and decay of closed-circuit civilization”. It reminded me of modern Japanese situation.
Driving into Arizona and New Mexico from Four Corners
After leaving Mesa Verde National Park, I headed south-east and reached Four Corners in 1 and half hour. This is the point of 4 state corners of Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. This is the only one place in the US where 4 states touch each other at one point.
Long view of Four Corners and borders of 4 states
The US Government leaves the management of the facility to Navajo tribe. There are street stalls on each state ground.
Street stalls sell goods and souvenirs related with Native Americans, but they never looked very successful.
Pictures above are Entry gate of Four Corners, Overall view of the place, and vast extent land behind the facility. This land is the reservation of Navajo tribe. Once they try to utilize them in commercialization, this huge land might enable them to construct for example, Culture Museum of Native Americans, or Performance theater. However it seemed like they don’t want big scale challenge. I looked around Navajo towns in Arizona and New Mexico afterwards (no photos due to security reasons), and I couldn’t help feeling Economic gap from other cities.
This is the Shiprock in the reservation of New Mexico, the first grade sacred place for Navajo tribe.
I drove around quite long time since early morning. It was quite impressive that sceneries change very drastically place by place.
This is the mountain range of Northern Durango, South end of Rocky mountains.
Table plateau from Mesa Verde. This might be the process of natural weathering and collapse.
Scenery at Northern New Mexico, Sourthern area of Mesa Verde. Sand rocks ground is almost collapsing. A step before desertification.
This is a shot in Mesa Verde, precipie of another side of giant canyon. If there was a river under them, the scinery might have looked like Grand Canyon in Arizona, next state.
I happened to send out my mind to how everlasting American land has been created. Those views are may private one and not based on geographical studies.
Now this is the end of 3rd post. 3rd day has just finished. I hope the series ends for another 2 posts.