ハリウッド映画が描く“アメリカの魂”/“Spirit of America” described by Hollywood movies
“Independence Day” has triggered “Globalism=following America”
I had many opportunities to work with American people. And I make it a rule to visit National parks in US for vacation. I visited islands in Hawaii 7 times, and I visited also Alaska, Yosemite, Colorado, San Francisco, or Mount Shasta (spring source of Christal Geyser). I visited local Dojos of Aikido and Iaido every time and I talked with so many local people. But I can’t make simple conclusion like “I love American people”. My very honest impression is the diversity of the country. It is not mere racial issue but other factors like occupations, social class, living area, religion, or private experience in lives gives differences in characters and those individual factors are much bigger influences than nationality. Therefore I don’t like to dispute them as a stereotype of Americans. Nevertheless I often feel their common feeling or something like the spirit of US through Hollywood movies.
(English text continues to the latter half of the page)
この映画でどうにも忘れられない場面がある。ビル・プルマン演じるアメリカ大統領が捕虜とした宇宙人(巨大なタコ型、これはこの映画自体がHGウェルズの「宇宙戦争」へのオマージュとなっているためか)とガラス越しに交信を試みる。脳内を一瞬ハックされた衝撃で喘ぎながら大統領ははっきりと悟る。「彼らは心が存在しない略奪者だ。生物の住む惑星を見つけては資源をイナゴのように奪うだけ奪って、資源が枯渇すれば次の星へ向かうことを続けている連中だ。」いわばまったく交流の余地がない“純然たる敵”、理解しようとすること自体が無駄な努力という存在だ。この共存が不可能な強大な敵に対して最後の一斉攻撃をするために大統領が全人類に向けて演説を行う。「この7月4日こそ我々人類全体が生き残りをかけた最初の独立記念日(Independence Day)となるのだ!」。
“Independence Day” has triggered “Globalism=following America”
I had many opportunities to work with American people. And I make it a rule to visit National parks in US for vacation. I visited islands in Hawaii 7 times, and I visited also Alaska, Yosemite, Colorado, San Francisco, or Mount Shasta (spring source of Christal Geyser). I visited local Dojos of Aikido and Iaido every time and I talked with so many local people. But I can’t make simple conclusion like “I love American people”. My very honest impression is the diversity of the country. It is not mere racial issue but other factors like occupations, social class, living area, religion, or private experience in lives gives differences in characters and those individual factors are much bigger influences than nationality. Therefore I don’t like to dispute them as a stereotype of Americans. Nevertheless I often feel their common feeling or something like the spirit of US through Hollywood movies.
“Independence Day” is the epic SF movie in 1996 by Roland Emmerich, hit maker of panic movie. One day many space ships which are so huge as covering whole cities appeared on major cities worldwide. UFO freaks were so delighted to welcome friends from outer space but space ships fired the beam which destroys whole city in a second. Aliens kept attacking civilization and human beings are subjected to devastating damages. Off course Hollywood movie likes happy ending and humans stood up from ruins again and whole human troops led by US President trapped computer virus to their systems (even Aliens used Micro Soft?) and they have finally made landslide victory.
There is a scene in the film which impressed me quite strongly. The US President, played by Bill Pullman, tried to communicate a hostage alien (giant octopus type, maybe this film is an Homage for H.G. Welles) through thick glass. His brain was hacked by an alien and he clearly recognized. “These aliens are mere mindless marauders. They invade planets of living beings and take all resources like locusts until going to next target after all resources run dry.” Namely they are pure communication-absence enemy and it is totally no use effort to understand them. Before the final simultaneous attack, the President made speech to all human beings. “This day, 4. July will be the first Independence Day for human beings!”.
I was strongly impressed that this image of an alien is very impression to Iraq by US Government. Under very simple logic toward the enemy that must be defeated America carried attack to Iraq and most of developed countries followed US with a little unwillingness. This movement is strongly related with the development of “Globalism by US”. Films make big hit partially due to their qualities but most decisive factor is if the time demands them. I now feel the arrogance of American Government from this film but it is also true that the film made great hit 20 years ago.
“Retaliation invites more cruel violence”-“Gran Torino” showed the evolution of American spirit
President Bush aggressively attacked Iraq which brought a mass number of victims and it has made no fundamental solution. It also made roots of chaos which continued up to now like IS. Even in US mainland great scale of terrorist attacks occurred on 911 and American soldiers’ PTSD has become social issue. The picture of “America in sickness” has become clear.
Under these circumstances the film “Gran Torino (2008)” by Clint Eastwood shoed different aspect of American spirit from 90s.
Walt Kowarski, played by Eastwood himself, is an old man living in residential area of Detroit. He went to Korean war in his young days and he is still tough American guy as to face to gangs with gun. He is proud of having worked at Ford factory for 50 years and he kept Gran Torino, the master piece of Ford in 70s, in his garage at the best condition. Nowadays the prosperity in Detroit is the past and most of American families moved away from his traditional residential area and the area is almost dominated by immigrants from Asia, which is irritating him. He was not happy with his son couple who is working as Toyota salesman. He accidentally rescued his neighbor brother and sister of Hmong tribe from gangsters. He started talking with their family. He had a trauma of killing boy soldier at Korean war. He tried to help Hmong boy life. He introduced the job, helping of his love, and threatened gangsters not to approach him again. But gangsters raped his sister and fired machine guns to his house. In the tragedy he learned “Retaliation which he believed to be justice invites more cruel violence” and what he has decided to do…. I don’t write further as I don’t want to be spoiler. Please view DVD. This film is no doubt the master piece in 2000s. The conviction of “American justice” has waved after chaos of 90s. If this movement of American spirit has enabled this film, this is the proof of American spirit has evolved. That’s why I can’t do without Films!
What would come next after “Pax Americana”?
“Independence Day: Resurgence” has been released in 2016. This film was rated very low by critics even though the film was epic one utilizing CG techniques which had been developed in 20 years after the first one. Worldview in 90s never worked.
One thing is obviously changed from the previous one. It was a strong casting of Chinese staff. The Commander of lunar base, the main roll in the beginning, was Chinese man and an Chinese actress Angelababy played his daughter jetfighter, the heroine of the story. This could come from their marketing strategy. Most of great scale Hollywood movies cast Asian actor especially Chinese as important rolls, for example the latest Star Wars. “Independence Day: Resurgence” couldn’t compensate even production cost only from North American sales but global revenue was enough to pay up for the rest. It is also the truth of the time that Hollywood movies cannot exist without Chinese contributions.
Up until 2000s, “Globalism” meant to follow US. But this picture is changing quite rapidly. In the ending phase of Japanese rapid economic growth, we saw “Bubble Economy”. The atmosphere in 90s could be the “Beginning of the ending” of “Pax Americana”.
At this moment I am going to do my breakfast, later than having my breakfast coming over
again to read more news.